VOLUME 31, NUMBER 10 THURSDAY, October 28, 1999

photo by: Frank Miller

CCR Visit

Christina Bloebaum (right), chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, shows Gov. George Pataki some of the equipment in the Center for Computational Research. Center director Russ Miller stands behind Bloebaum.

Pataki makes his first visit to campus
Governor attends grand opening of Center for Computational Research

Gov. George E. Pataki made his first visit to campus Tuesday for the grand opening of the Center for Computational Research (CCR), where he spoke to members of the university community and toured the world-class facility that features more than $7 million in state-of-the-art computer equipment.

UCI begins work to rehab first house
Renovation work has begun on a house at 31 W. Northrup Place in the University Heights neighborhood of Buffalo, the first structure being rehabilitated as part of the housing acquisition, rehabilitation and resale program begun by the University Community Initiative.


Top Stories...

· "This American Life" comes to Mainstage: Ira Glass shares with audience the secrets of innovative story telling on the radio
· SEFA Campaign Progress Report
· Policy to be implemented: Grade-replacement moves to top of list of CIT priorities
· Allen finds pets improve health
· Pulp-fiction titles reflect the times: Kelley collection of 25,000 sci-fi, detective, action tales called best-perserved of its kind
· UB team treks to Himalayas: Lee says trip to deliver medical care was most harrowing of all
· Polish director to lead UB production: Maciejowski to direct "Tango" as part of residency in Department of Theatre and Dance
· Civil Engineering co-sponsors wind symposium

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The Reporter is a campus community newspaper published by the Division of University Services, State University of New York at Buffalo. Editorial offices are located at UB News Services, 136 Crofts Hall, Amherst, NY, 14260, 716-645-2626.

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