
Fillmore's 199th birthday
Provost David J. Triggle, left, gives memorial address Jan. 7 at ceremony in Forest Lawn Cemetery honoring 199th birthday of Millard Fillmore, UB's first chancellor and 13th president of the U.S. At right is Col. James W. Kwiatkowski, New York Air National Guard, who placed wreath from President Clinton.

UB, Roswell Park to join for research institute
Pataki proposal aims to create biotechnology initiative, spur economic development in area

UB and Roswell Park Cancer Institute would receive $5 million under a plan by Gov. George Pataki to create a cooperative research institute to advance work in micro-bioengineering and pharmaceutical biotechnology already under way at the two institutions.


FSEC notes displeasure at trustees' action
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee has gone on record voicing its displeasure with the SUNY Trustee's adoption of a general-education curriculum for the system's four university centers and 13 four-year colleges without consultation with the campuses.


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· Sexually abused children at risk for stress disorder; McLeer study shows need for screening, treatment for those diagnosed with PTSD
· New York City admissions office to aid student recruitment effort
· A jump start for UB inventions; Investment fund to help technology entrepreneurs get started
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· Are those 'hot' strategies bad for business?
· Wednesdays at 4 Plus to open Jan. 27
· Enhancing the learning experience; Schapiro's course focuses on critical thinking, self-assessment
· Anonymous donor gives $2.5 million for engineering scholarships
· Checking out the stars over Fronczak
· Nickerson to continue as Senate chair
· Shulman book to be used in China social work training in Chinese university
· UB participating in first large-scale trial of HIV vaccine
· UB expands its international education programs

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The Reporter is a campus community newspaper published by the Division of University Services, State University of New York at Buffalo. Editorial offices are located at UB News Services, 136 Crofts Hall, Amherst, NY, 14260, 716-645-2626.

The Reporter publishes in print and online every Thursday during the academic year.

Associate Vice President for University Services: Carole Smith Petro
Director of News Services: Arthur Page
Associate Director of News Services and Editor: Sue Wuetcher
Associate Editor: Joan Danzig
Art Director: Rebecca Farnham
News Services Editors: Lois Baker, Patricia Donovan, Ellen Goldbaum, Mary Beth Spina, Chris Vidal
Editorial Assistant: Mara McGinnis
Online Publisher: Benjamin Edelman, Liz Holland