
JSTOR: A New Frontier

Scholars rejoice! The University Libraries have entered a new era of electronic full-text access to scholarly journals with its charter membership in Project JSTOR (Journal STORage). What is the JSTOR difference? Unlike other electronic journal initiatives, JSTOR includes full-text from volume one through at least 1989 of some of the oldest and most prestigious scholarly journals; faithful reproductions of each published page; the ability to search by author, title or keyword either the full-text of the archived journals across the entire JSTOR archive or by individual journal title, and the ability to "browse" individual journal issues.

At present, JSTOR, which was initiated by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, includes among its 30 titles The American Political Science Review (1906-1993), The Annals of Mathematics (1884-1990), Ecology (1920-1994), The Journal of Higher Education (1930-1991), The Journal of Modern History (1929-1991), The Quarterly Journal of Economics (1886-1991), Speculum: A Journal of Mediaeval Studies (1926-1989) and Studies in Family Planning (1963-1993). JSTOR plans to include titles in the disciplines of sociology and philosophy in the near future.

The University Libraries web site provides a variety of access points for JSTOR. You will find it on the "Online Resources" page (http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/e-resources) under "Full-Text Journal Articles." You also will find individual JSTOR title entries in the University Libraries "Electronic Journals and Serials" homepage (http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/e-resources/ejournals). The University Libraries Catalog (formerly known as BISON), also alerts you to the existence of these full-text treasures. Finally, you can go to JSTOR directly at its web site at http://www.jstor.org. If you do take the direct route from your home computer, be sure to access the web via your UB computer account. JSTOR is only available to current UB students, faculty and staff.

For further information on JSTOR contact Charles D'Aniello,

Coordinator, Collection Development, Lockwood Library at lclcharl@acsu.Buffalo.edu or 645-2817.

-Gemma DeVinney and Don Hartman, University Libraries

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