Grading in the Quizzes Tool

Learn how to grade assignments directly within the Quizzes tool in Brightspace. 

On This Page:

Beginning the Grading Process

Objective quizzes are automatically graded based on the correct answers that have been provided.  However, short-answer and essay questions will need to be scored by the instructor.

  1. Open the Quizzes tool from the Course Navbar or from the CourseAdmin tool.
  2. All course quizzes will be listed.
    • Select the quiz to be graded and click on the downward arrow next to the quiz name.
    • Click on Grade in the context menu that appears.
  3. The next screen that appears allows the instructor to view quiz submissions by Students (users), Attempts, or Questions.
  4. To manually grade an open-ended question, navigate to the Questions menu and locate the question that needs to be scored.
    • Click on the title of the question.
    • The first student’s response will be shown.
    • Use the score entry box to enter the score.
    • Expand the feedback to open a text editor for written feedback.
    • Click on Save and use the toggle at the top to move to the next student.
    • Once this question has been scored for all students, the instructor will be returned to the list of questions.

Changing Grades After Autograding

There may also be cases where scores for some items for some students may be changed after they have been autograded.

  1. Open the Quizzes tool from the Course Navbar or from the CourseAdmin tool.
  2. All course quizzes will be listed.
    • Select the quiz to be graded and click on the downward arrow next to the quiz name.
    • Click on Grade in the context menu that appears.
  3. The next screen that appears allows the instructor to view quiz submissions by Students (users), Attempts, or Questions.
  4. To manually override scores for specific items for specific students, navigate to the attempts menu and locate the first student.
    • Click on the attempt.
    • Locate the question that needs to be edited.
    • Enter the updated score in the score text box.
    • Expand the feedback editor to add any necessary feedback.
    • When done, either click on “Publish” to immediately release the score to the student or click on “Save Draft” to allow for release of all grades at the same time.

Fixing Grades for all Students

If an item is faulty and scores on this item need to be fixed for all students:

  1. Open the Quizzes tool from the Course Navbar or from the Course Admin tool.
  2. All course quizzes will be listed.
    • Select the quiz to be re-fixed graded and click on the downward arrow next to the quiz name.
    • Click on Grade in the context menu that appears.
  3. The next screen that appears allows the instructor to view quiz submissions by Students (users), Attempts, or Questions.
  4. Click the Questions tab.
  5. Select the Update All Attempts button.
  6. Click on the name of the question that needs to be updated.
  7. UnderGrading Type, you can select how you want the item to be updated:
    • All attempts can be given a certain number of points.  You might use this if there was no correct answer to the item.
    • Give attempts with a certain answer a specific number of points.  This is useful if the correct answer was not marked appropriately when the item was created.  You can work iteratively through each response option to change the number of points that each is worth, making sure to click on the save button each time points for a response option are updated.

Please note: The quiz item should also be edited to select the correct answer so that future students are scored appropriately on the item.