About Us

UB Immigration Services was formed in 2008 and reports directly to the Office of the Vice Provost for International Education.  UBIS is dedicated to assisting UB's departments bring and retain top international talent to the University through thoughtful utilization of non-immigrant and immigrant visa categories. Only UBIS is authorized by the UB Office of the President to handle immigration matters involving UB's international faculty, researchers and postdoctoral scholars. Departments seeking immigration support services for international faculty, researchers and postdoctoral scholars should contact UBIS for assistance. 

  • Our Mission
    UB Immigration Services collaborates with deans and department chairs, and with support units such as Human Resource Services, to facilitate the hiring and retention of the best foreign national faculty, researchers and post-doctoral scholars.
  • Staff Directory
    UB Immigration Services is one of several units within the Office International Education. Our team is dedicated to assisting UB's hiring units obtain access to top international talent. We look forward to hearing from you!
  • Contact Us
    UB Immigration Services is located in 1Capen, North Campus.