How to Give

You choose how your investment is used at UB, where there are countless ways to support students and their experiences

Immediate Support for Students

When you give to the UB Fund, your gift today is made available to help support students today. It’s that immediate. Giving to the UB Fund helps ensure our students have everything they need to become thoughtful global citizens, with 100 percent of gifts used to enhance the student experience, including crucial support for research, study abroad, student emergencies and community service opportunities.

Investment Options

  • Find Your Cause
    To attain the greatness that is within our reach—the greatness we’ve spent the past 170 years preparing for—we’re asking you for great generosity. Whether you choose to give your school, a specific department or a cherished fund, you decide how your gift will change lives.
  • Honorary and Memorial Gifts
    Making a gift to UB in honor or memory of a teacher, student, relative or friend is a thoughtful and generous way to recognize his or her life and accomplishments.
  • Legacy Giving
    Learn how you can achieve your philanthropic goals at UB while also benefiting your personal financial position, supplementing your retirement or providing additional support and security to your family.

Investment Tools

  • Cryptocurrency
    We accept donations of Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. This gives us one more way to fund our work and can provide you with extra tax benefits.
  • Donor-Advised Funds
    Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are investment accounts for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations today. The secure DAF link below:
  • Employer Matching
    Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match—doubling and sometimes tripling—charitable contributions made by their employees. Some companies also match gifts made by retirees.
  • Investing with your IRA
    Investing from your IRA can help reduce your taxable income. If you are 70.5 or older, and for those over 73 who must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), an IRA gift is a simple way to fulfill it.
  • Stocks
    Donating stocks allows you to avoid capital gains tax and often take a charitable deduction for the full value of the asset.
  • University at Buffalo Calling
    Did you receive a call from campus? That's a University at Buffalo student calling you!
SUNY Impact Foundation Charitable Tax Program

Get the answers you need on how to take advantage of an extraordinary tax benefit through the SUNY Impact Foundation Charitable Tax Program with an investment in UB.

Explore the program>