
Present Practices, Political Economy

These courses offer students current maps of the field as well as in-depth study of diverse contemporary experimental poetries, as connected to critical issues and practices in other disciplines.

  • Poetry/Poetics as Interdisciplinary Exploration (“Eco-poetics & Bio-politics”; “The Poetics of the Political Economy of Affect,” etc.)
  • Poetry/Poetics and Its Global Communities (i.e., contemporary cross-cultural poetics, translation, etc.)
  • Poetry/Poetics and Current Critical Issues (i.e., “Violence and Representation”; “Gender and Experiments in Form”;  "The Poetics of Minor Literatures", etc.)
  • Poetry/Poetics and Media Technologies (i.e., History of the Book, New Media, Multi-media/Cross-Platform Writing, etc.)
  • Poetry/Poetics and the Performances of Popular Culture

History & Theory of the Media of Poetry

These courses investigate the history and textual-critical issues pertaining to the codex and related forms, editing and canon formation, and alternative modes of printing and distribution, as well as the non-print media of poetry (such as recorded sound or visual works).

  • The Poetics and Philosophy of “Voice”
  • Textual Bodies: the Architectonics of the Book

Genealogies & Continuities of the Avant-Garde

These courses provide clearly delineated historical contexts for contemporary innovative practices, and include study of particular constellations of writers as well as single authors.

  • Poetics: Classical, European, Modernist, Postmodernist
  • Philosophy/Critical Theory on Poetry: Classical, European, Modernist, Postmodernist
  • Poetry Movements: 20th-C and 21st-C (i.e., Objectivists; English-American poetics in debate across the Atlantic; Language Poetry; Feminist Innovative Postmodern Poetries; etc.)
  • Major Authors (i.e., Gertrude Stein, Charles Olson etc.)

Speculative Poetics & Contemporary Imaginations

These courses explore untapped or under-investigated areas of current innovation, to speculate on poetries yet to come and to think from the outer edge of the thinkable.

  • Speculative Poetics (i.e., "The Poetics of Scale," “Parapoetics.”)
  • Poetry/Poetics as/and Philosophy
  • Poetry/Poetics and Scientific Research (i.e., "Nanopoetics," and "Biopoetics.")

Transcultural Poetics: Alternate Languages, Writing Systems, Text-Forms, Oral Cultures & Performances

These courses offer non-Eurocentric studies of the world history of poetics, focusing on non-Western cultures and practices from the ancient to the contemporary.