Future of Work Summit

Woman holding a microphone while sitting in the audience.

Connect with hiring managers, recruiters, UB faculty and industry leaders, and is presented by the University at Buffalo Career Design Center, the UB School of Management’s Career Resource Center, and the UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

The 2024 Future of Work Summit has passed. Check back in Spring 2025 for information on next year's event!

Sample Event Agenda

Keynote Speaker

headhot of Kelly Palmer.

Kelly Palmer

Southern New Hampshire University
Executive Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer

Kelly Palmer is a thought leader and advisor on the future of work and education. She co-authored the award-winning book, The Expertise Economy and has been featured in Harvard Business, Fast Company, and Forbes, among other acclaimed publications. Kelly was the former Chief Learning Officer of both Degreed and LinkedIn.

Panel Moderator

Headshot of John O'Leary.

John P. O’Leary
State and Local Government Research Leader
Deloitte Services LP

John O’Leary leads state and local government research for the Deloitte Center for Government Insights. John has written extensively on the future of work, job training, and preparing workers for the digital future. His white papers include Rethinking the workforce development ecosystem: Grow the economy by bridging the skills gap and Government can win the talent race—here’s how.