Using University Space and Facilities

UB may authorize the use of its space and facilities for appropriate commercial purposes. External groups and organizations can rent space by entering into an agreement with UB, known as a Facilities Use Agreement or Revocable Permit, which provides the terms and conditions for use of campus facilities.

On this page:

Definition of Commercial Use

Commercial use of space means the use of university space or facilities for profit or potential profit, including research by public or private entities.


These guidelines and procedures apply to non-UB entities that want to use university space or facilities on state-owned property for commercial use specific to their needs.

The guidelines do not apply to the commercial use of space or facilities within athletic venues; The Center for the Arts; Slee Hall; the Science, Technology Transfer, and Economic Outreach (STOR) incubator; special and student events; and construction-related projects. The commercial use of space or facilities agreements for these areas includes procedures specific to the area and require compliance with all terms and conditions of the particular agreement.

Guiding Principles

UB encourages and allows the use of its space and facilities for commercial purposes when use does not interfere with campus operations.

Commercial use of university space shall:

  • Advance the mission of the university and not be in conflict with, infringe upon or delay campus operations.
  • Advance and not be in conflict with the university’s strategic plan.
  • Conform to federal tax law restrictions on private use of facilities financed by tax-exempt bonds.
  • Comply with federal research guidelines, where applicable.

Commercial use of university space shall not:

  • Have the potential for an adverse effect on UB’s reputation for academic integrity and independence.
  • Impinge upon the use of campus facilities for instruction, research, and public service, which takes precedence.
  • Violate existing university agreements with, nor compete or replicate services provided by auxiliary service corporations, foundations or other campus-related entities and vendors providing goods or services on campus.
Ways to Request the Use of Space and Facilities
Type of Request Funding Source Purchasing and Contract Services Approval Required
Facilities Use Agreement Research Foundation Yes*
Revocable Permit State Yes*

* When in doubt, contact Purchasing and Contract Services.

Contact an Expert

Marie Colella

Director of Contracts

Purchasing and Contract Services

Phone: 716-645-4564


Carla M Persico

Lease Coordinator

Real Estate and Property Management

107E John Beane Center

Phone: 716-645-0309
