PowerPoint Slideshows

Streamline your presentation slideshow—and keep it consistent with the UB brand guidelines—by starting with one of our PowerPoint templates.

On this page:

Master Brand Presentations

Formal Presentation

PowerPoint Templates - Formal.

Contemporary Presentation

PowerPoint Template - Contemporary.

Brand Extension Presentations

Formal Presentation

PowerPoint Templates - Formal.

Contemporary Presentation

PowerPoint Template - Contemporary.

UB Pride Point Slides

Looking to include general information on some of the university’s biggest points of pride? Add any or all of these pre-made slides to your deck to elevate your presentation and enhance your message.

Note: Presentation template includes a formal and contemporary divider slide. Choose whichever divider slide matches your presentation format.

Accessibility Training Available

A free online educational resource is available through Deque University to improve your web accessibility knowledge and skill set. The full curriculum contains over 30 courses on creating accessible documents, testing and more, which are extremely valuable skills for web developers, content editors and all faculty and staff who create online materials.

> Please register to access Deque University courses.

The University at Buffalo is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards to ensure we provide equal access to all users. If you experience any difficulty in accessing the content or services on this website, or if you have suggestions about improving the user experience, please contact:

University Communications at ub-ucom@buffalo.edu or 716-645-6969