Faculty Profile

Maura Sepesy

Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Maura Sepesy.

What questions are you trying to answer with your research?

Chemical and Biomolecular engineering.

What drew you to your field of study?

I originally went into chemical engineering because I've always had a passion for cosmetic formulations; nail polish, shampoo and other hair care products, etc. Though I still do personal cosmetic formulations as a hobby, my career passion has shifted to teaching chemical engineering and general engineering concepts. I really enjoy helping students see engineering problems in their world and not just piping and instrumentation.

What do you like to do to relax?

I enjoy knitting and reading year round. In the summer I like to kayak and explore Buffalo's waterfront. Recently, I've started rock climbing in downtown Buffalo and I am now belayed certified which has been a very fun way to de-stress and exercise.

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