Pathogenic bacteria and viruses can enter and linger in the environment, posing risks to human health and water quality. My research focuses on mitigating pathogens in natural and engineered systems for sustainable water supply and disease prevention. Specifically, my research efforts are riveted on two themes: (1) tracking infectious diseases through municipal wastewater, and (2) predicting pathogen inactivation by disinfection treatment.
I am interested in developing and applying advanced biomolecular analysis methods, such as genome- and protein-based assays, to better understand the fate and functions of biological pollutants in engineered systems. The ultimate goal is to provide early detections of potential risks to public health and to develop evidence-based guidelines for implementing safe and effective sanitizing approaches.
I teach both undergraduate and graduate courses with topics of Environmental Engineering and Environmental Microbiology. I mentor undergraduate and graduate students at UB for their study and research, helping them to excel. My lab pledges to promote the diversity of group members, and we value an environment and lab culture that promotes inclusion.