This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.
Word of Mouth

How do you cope with a cold, gloomy winter day in Buffalo?

Send your response to and we’ll publish the responses we receive in the next online UB Reporter.

  • Exercising, driving, looking out a window, spicing up favorite routines like drinking coffee with hot chocolate mix, or meeting friends for short visits on weeknights all keep spirits high.

    Debra Steckler, B.A. ’87 and ’94
    School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

  • My husband and I bundle up in our winter gear and take our two dogs for their usual walk on a trail near our house. The dogs love going for walks, no matter what the weather is like, and their enthusiasm is contagious. Then I bundle up on my couch with a warm throw, a hot cup of tea and a book or magazine to read.

    Linda Catanzaro, Pharm.D. ’01
    Clinical Assistant Professor
    School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Just a few years ago, I decided that I would quit complaining about the weather and embrace it. I learned how to snowboard, and now the longer the winter, the more snowboarding I can get in. I also try to do fun and interactive indoor activities with friends and family. Complaining helps too—just get it off your chest and you really do feel much better.

    Andrea Costantino, B.A. ’92, Ed.M. ’93, Ph.D. ’00
    Office of Student Life