Pharmacometrics Modeling

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Program Description

Our Pharmacometrics Modeling micro-credential is a three-course series covering what pharmacometrics entails. Each of these courses will provide you with an in-depth overview of Pharmacometrics encompassing methodology and application of models for disease and pharmacological measurement. Each course consists of lectures and hands-on practicals with application-based software to guide you through pharma data and modeling problems. Finally, to obtain the micro-credential you will complete a cumulative modeling question related to current applications in Pharmacometrics. 

Program Contact

Pharmacy Admissions
285 Pharmacy Building
Buffalo, NY 14214
Phone: 716-645-2825


  • Graduate
  • Professional

Who is Eligible

  • Both UB and Non-UB students

Credit or Non-Credit

  • For Credit

Instruction Method

  • Online (100 percent of the degree requirements can be fulfilled online)

Average Time to Completion

  • Three Semesters

Skills Obtained*

  • Career and Self-Development
  • Critical Thinking
  • Technology