Bijan Khaleghi, PhD, PE, SE

Chair: International Association of Bridge EQ Eng (IABEE)
IBT/ABC-UTC Co-Director of Implementation &
Research Associate Professor at Florida International University, FL
Associate, David Evans Associate Inc. WA
Adjunct Professor, Saint Martin’s University, WA

IBE EAB member Bijan Khaleghi.

Bijan Khaleghi is the Co-Director of Implementation with ABC-UTC, research associate professor at Florida International University, and a principal structural engineer with TranTech Engineering. He is a member of AASHTO Technical Committees on Movable Bridges T-8, Concrete Bridges T-10, Tunnels T-20, Roadway Tunnels, and member representative of AASHTO at the Permanent International Association for Road Congress (PIARC) TC4.4 Road Tunnel Operation. Khaleghi is a member of TRB AFF00-2 Accelerated Bridge Construction and Chair of AFF30 Concrete, AFF60 Tunnels. He is also a member of American Segmental Bridge Institute (ASBI), National ABC Center at FIU, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), and Chair of PCI Seismic subcommittee. Khaleghi is recipient of PCI Robert J. Lyman award, October 2018, PCI Fellow Award, February 2018, ASCE T.Y. Lin Award, March 2014, Charles C. Zollman Award, PCI Journal 2011 and 2013, ASCE SEI T.Y. Lin Award, May 2006, Martin P. Korn Award, PCI Journal Award 2005.