UB School of Management Alumni Association to Present Forum on Global Business Opportunities

Release Date: March 15, 2002 This content is archived.


BUFFALO, N.Y. -- "Global Opportunities for WNY Businesses" will be the focus of a breakfast forum to be held by the Alumni Association of the University at Buffalo School of Management on April 8 in the Center for Tomorrow on UB's North (Amherst) Campus.

The forum will provide local business owners with useful information on building or expanding relationships with businesses in Canada.

"Given the future vitality of the Buffalo-Niagara area, we want to encourage area businesspeople to seize the opportunity to conduct business with our biggest cross-border trader -- Canada," said John Shellum, assistant dean of alumni and external affairs in the School of Management. "We've put together a diverse panel of experts who can discuss the various issues and challenges associated with doing so."

Panel members will include: Edward J. Arnold, director of the International Division, Erie County Industrial Development Agency (ECIDA); Douglas A. Bieber, senior trade commissioner, Canadian Consulate General; William Z. Reich, Sr., partner, Serotte, Reich and Seipp, LLP, and Larry Skerker, executive vice president, Robinson Knife Co.

The event will be moderated by turnaround-performance consultant, Gerry Murak, owner of Murak & Associates, LLC. Fulfillment Systems International is sponsoring the event, with some additional funding provided by Hodgson Russ Attorneys, LLP.

The format will consist of a full breakfast buffet from 7:30-8 a.m. followed by the panel discussion from 8-9 a.m. The cost for the event is $25 for the general public and $20 for School of Management Alumni Association members.

For more information or to register, call (716) 645-3224 or go to http://www.mgt.buffalo.edu/alumni

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