Events For Graduate & Professional Students

Students work on their networking skills.

From workshops, to seminars to world-renowned speakers, there are hundreds of opportunities to learn and network at UB. Take a look at our upcoming events, designed specifically for our graduate and professional student population.

Be sure to visit UB's central events calendar for a comprehensive list of what is happening at UB, including conferences, lectures, meetings, seminars, sporting events and much more.

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Featured Events

IDP Workshop for Doctoral Students (North Campus)
Feb. 7, 2025, 9-11 a.m.

Completion an Individual Development Plan (IDP) helps doctoral students assess their skills, strengths and goals and align them with actionable steps to achieve academic and professional success.  At the end of the year, the IDP provides a framework for assessing progress in those areas. The IDP will help you and your faculty advisor establish strong lines of communication as you define clear goals and expectations. The Graduate School is hosting this workshop for doctoral students the help prepare their IDP. Bring a laptop to the session and get ready to set some goals! Register for the IDP workshop.

Productivity Workshop: Set Yourself Up for Success in School and at Work
Feb. 12, 2025, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Join Productivity Coach Dr. Kate Henry for the first workshop in a two-part workshop series on practical skills for academics both in school and on the job. During the workshop, we will learn why, when, and how to apply tools to make productivity practices more efficient, with a focus on using prioritization and time blocking to manage distractions and set boundaries. Register for the productivity workshop.

Writing Your CV Skillshop for PhD Students and Postdocs
Feb. 13, 2025, 4-5 p.m.

This workshop, hosted by the Career Design Center, teaches you top CV tips, how to update and rework your CV with recommended guidelines, understand common CV mistakes and how to avoid them, and how to tailor and build a stand-out CV. Register for the Writing Your CV skillshop.

Financial Wellness Workshop
Feb. 25, 2025, 2-3:30 p.m.

Learn how your relationship with money can be critical to managing your finances. Hear about the psychology of money and how it relates to your spending behaviors, financial goal setting, and how a spending plan (i.e., budget) is the proper foundation for building long-term financial security. Start early to build a solid financial future by maintaining healthy behaviors around money and building a spending plan for you. Register for the Financial Wellness Workshop.

Demystifying Taxes for Graduate Students and Postdocs (US Citizens/Residents)
Feb. 18, 2025, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Graduate students who receive stipends or salaries are in a niche tax situation, but it need not cause undue stress! Attend this workshop for tailored and actionable tax guidance, whether you received a Form W-2, a Form 1098-T, some other unusual document, or no tax forms at all. The workshop walks you through calculating the taxable portion of your academic income and minimizing your tax liability using your higher education expenses. Special considerations for fellowship recipients and state residency for tax purposes will also be covered. The intended audience for this workshop is graduate students who are US citizens, permanent residents, and residents for tax purposes who have assistantships or fellowships. Register for the tax workshop.

Convert a CV to a Resume Skillshop for PhD Students and Postdocs
Feb. 20, 2025, 4-5 p.m.

Whether you are entering industry or academia, understanding the difference between a CV and a resume (and how to write them!) is essential. The Career Design Center will teach you how to compose a CV and resume and how to transition between them, depending on the requirements for the position. Register for the Convert a CV to a Resume skillshop.

PhD Alt-Ac Job Search
March 6, 2025,  4-5 p.m.

PhD candidates and postdocs from all disciplines are invited to attend and explore the numerous job opportunities available with your PhD. In this hybrid skillshop, we'll discuss how to explore opportunities and strategize together on how to secure positions. The world needs your skills—let's help you find work that excites you! Register for PhD Alt-Ac Job Search.

Three Minute Thesis Competition Live Finals
March 7, 2025,  3-5 p.m.

Watch as graduate students compete to effectively explain their research in three minutes using language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. The audience votes for one of the winners. Co-sponsored by UB Startup and Innovation Collaboratory (CoLab) and The Graduate School. Learn more at the Three Minute Thesis website.

Fellowship and Grant Writing Basics
March 11, 205, 2-3 p.m.

Learn about the offerings for UB graduate students from the Office of Fellowships and Scholarships, followed by an introduction to grant writing. Register for the Fellowship and Grant Writing Basics workshop.

Productivity Workshop: Clarify Your Goals and Manage Your Workflow in School and at Work
March 12, 2025, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Join Productivity Coach Dr. Kate Henry for the second workshop in a two-part workshop series on practical skills for academics both in school and on the job. During the workshops, we’ll learn how to develop goal setting practices to manage workflows on our own and within teams. Workshop attendees will learn practical methods for prioritizing, communicating with colleagues and co-workers, and documenting their work to increase efficiency and contribute to team and company productivity norms. Register for the productivity workshop.

Grammarly for Grad Students and Postdocs
March 27, 2025, 2-3 p.m.

Did you know that Grammarly is now infused with generative AI technology that actually composes text and will get flagged by Turnitin as AI-created? Many tools you may have commonly used in the past now have generative properties that, depending on your instructor’s rules, can cross the line into academic dishonesty. This workshop will address how you can uphold UB’s high standards for academic integrity in this new landscape. Register for Grammarly for Grad Students and Postdocs.

Applying for Teaching Jobs in Higher Education
April 1, 2025, 3-4 p.m.

The Graduate School is hosting a workshop for students who are aiming for careers that prioritize teaching. This workshop will provide advice, resources and Q&A time about requesting recommendations, writing application letters, and tailoring CVs to teaching-centric jobs. Register to the Applying for Teaching Jobs in Higher Education workshop.

Productivity Workshop: Structure as a Path to Sustainability
April 5, 2025, 12-4 p.m.

Does the blinking cursor on a blank Word doc make your stomach sink? Join Dr. Katy Peplin of Thrive PhD and Productivity Coach Dr. Kate Henry for Structure as a Path to Sustainability, a one-stop shop for overcoming overwhelm and lighting the way towards completing your next self-directed writing project. After this 4-hour session, you will leave with a personalized productivity plan, a repeatable project template, and deeper clarity on how to structure your days with more compassion and flexibility so you can make progress on your terms. Register for the productivity workshop.

Tough Talks: Communication Strategies for Difficult Situations
April. 15, 2025, 3-4 p.m.

This workshop, presented by Counseling Services, focused on strategies for navigating difficult conversations with peers, mentors, faculty and staff. Stymied by how to approach a challenging conversation with your advisor? This workshop is for you. Register for the tough talks workshop.

Art of Research
April, 29 2025, 6-8 p.m.

This competition provides a unique opportunity for you (or your research team if a group submission) to convey your work through the images you capture, making complex concepts more accessible and engaging to a broader audience. This competition is open to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from all disciplines, and we encourage submissions that embrace a variety of artistic mediums, including but not limited to photographs, illustrations, visualizations, renderings, and anything produced while performing research. Compete for prize money, discuss your research with others, and get recognized at a celebratory event on Tuesday, April 29, 2025, from 6-8 p.m. at the Buffalo Museum of Science, where winners will be announced, and your photo will be on display. The deadline to submit is Monday, March 10, at 11:59 p.m. Register for the Art of Research

On-Demand Workshops

Reading Strategies for Graduate Success
Feb. 4, 2025

This workshop is designed to help graduate students read academic material more effectively and efficiently. Attendees will learn about what it means to transition from passive to active reading and will leave with practical techniques for enhancing comprehension and retention. Watch a recoding of Reading Strategies for Graduate Success.

Grant Writing for Humanities: Pursuing Grants to Help Support Your Humanities Scholarship
Jan. 22, 2025

This workshop is for advanced doctoral students, and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and related social sciences. This workshop examines how to compete for grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Fulbright U.S. Student Program, private foundations, and grants to travel to collections and libraries. Watch a recording of Grant Writing for Humanities.

Grant Writing for STEM fields: Research Planning for Future PIs
Jan. 21, 2025

This workshop is for advanced doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars in STEM fields. Learn how to identify funding, steps for planning a fundable research project, best practices, and common mistakes to avoid when writing a competitive proposal. Watch a recording of Grant Writing For STEM fields.

Tough Talks: Communication Strategies for Difficult Situations
Dec. 5, 2024

This workshop, presented by Counseling Services, focused on strategies for navigating difficult conversations with peers, mentors, faculty and staff. Stymied by how to approach a challenging conversation with your advisor? This workshop is for you. Watch a recording of the tough talks workshop.

Creating Your Personal UB Website
Nov. 6, 2024

UB students, faculty and staff are provided with space to create a personal website. You can create an online resume or share your interests with friends and colleagues. Get creative and learn about creating your own personal website in this workshop hosted by the Graduate School. Watch a recording of the Creating Your Personal UB Webiste workshop.

Diversity Statements and Writing Practices Workshop
Oct. 17, 2024

Join the Center for Excellence in Writing in a discussion on diversity statements. Learn to write diversity statements and how to navigate the changing landscape of them. In this workshop, you will be introduced to what diversity statements are, reflect on how you understand diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, have an open discussion about the changing perspectives on diversity statements, start drafting your statement, and share and obtain feedback on components of your diversity statements. Watch a recording of the Diversity Statements workshop.

Productivity Workshop: Slow Productivity for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
Oct. 9, 2024

The Graduate School has partnered with the Graduate Student Association and the Office of Postdoctoral Scholars to provide a series of workshops dedicated to productivity.

Does your to-do list feel like a bottomless pit? Are you overwhelmed by overlapping deadlines? Feeling more like a robot than a human being? Join Productivity Coach Dr. Kate Henry to develop slower approaches to productivity that are more accessible and achievable. We'll learn how to increase effectiveness without overworking ourselves you'll leave the workshop with tangible tools to plan intentional productivity sessions. Watch a recording of the productivity workshop.

Public Policy Fellowship / Assistantship Opportunities and New York State Government
Oct. 1, 2024

Public policy is central to our everyday lives and is more than just mundane tax and healthcare policy. Universal basic income, government artificial intelligence policy and other big ideas are part of public policy bailiwick. Join SUNY's premiere public policy think tank, the Rockefeller Institute of Government, to learn about the Institute's various fellowships, assistantships and internships, giving you a front-row seat to policy research and policymaking. The team from the Institute will also discuss job opportunities in the New York State government. Watch a recording of the Public Policy Fellowship webinar.

Productivity Workshop: Improve Your Time Management and Productivity Practices
Sept. 11, 2024

The Graduate School has partnered with the Graduate Student Association and the Office of Postdoctoral Scholars to provide a series of workshops dedicated to productivity.

Craving approaches to help maximize your productivity without burning out? Join Productivity Coach Dr. Kate Henry to learn tools to improve your time management, develop realistic timelines for your projects, and increase your focus as you progress on your scholarly projects. You’ll leave the workshop with next steps you can apply to your current and future schedules and goals. Watch a recording of the productivity workshop.

Fellowships and Grant Writing Basics
Sept. 4, 2024

Learn about the offerings for UB graduate students from the Office of Fellowships and Scholarships, followed by an introduction to grant writing. Watch a recording of the Fellowships and Grant Writing Basics workshop.

Finding a Postdoctoral Position Workshop
April 24, 2024

This workshop will explain what you’ll need to successfully apply for a postdoctoral position, including information on applications for different types of postdoc positions. Watch a recording of the Postdoctoral Position Workshop.

Productivity Workshop: Increase Efficiency & Effectiveness During Writing Sessions
March 6, 2024

Having difficulty focusing during writing sessions? In this workshop, Productivity Coach Dr. Kate Henry will cover common obstacles that derail writing, reading, and research. Attendees will learn productivity tools to help determine appropriate goals, set boundaries around distractions, and make tangible progress in every work session. We'll end our time with the opportunity to personalize an approach to a future work session by applying the tools we cover. Watch a recording of the productivity workshop.

Protecting Executive Functioning: A Skill-Building Workshop for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
Feb. 21, 2024

This workshop is hosted by the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biological Sciences and Counseling Services. Participants will learn mental health tools for building resiliency throughout their academic and professional careers. Watch a recording of the Protecting Executive Functioning workshop.

Breaking Down Applied Research: A Hands-On Workshop for Students
Feb. 13, 2024

This workshop is an opportunity for students across disciplines eager to learn about conducting applied research. Drawing from her book Empowering Scholar-Practitioners: A Comprehensive Guide for Conceptualizing, Designing, Writing, Defending, and Publishing a Dissertation in Practice, Dr. Karalis Noel’s workshop will offer valuable insights into the practical aspects of conducting research directly impacting real-world problems. Watch a recording of the Breaking Down Applied Research workshop.

Financial Wellness Workshop
Feb. 6, 2024

Learn how your relationship with money can be critical to managing your finances. Hear about the psychology of money and how it relates to your spending behaviors, financial goal setting, and how a spending plan (i.e., budget) is the proper foundation for building long-term financial security. Start early to build a solid financial future by maintaining healthy behaviors around money and building a spending plan for you. Watch a recording of the Finanacial Wellness Workshop.

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