How to Watch a Solar Eclipse

With Jason Lazarus

A painting of the invention of the art of drawing, where a female figure traces a mans silouhette on a wall. Text superimposed reads "How to watch a Solar Eclipse.".

Date and Time

Wednesday, March 13, 2024




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In anticipation of the April 8, 2024, solar eclipse–the last total solar eclipse in the lower 48 states until 2044, artist Jason Lazarus and UB Art Galleries are offering a free Zoom lecture, HOW TO WATCH A SOLAR ECLIPSE. The artist lecture will touch on vision and visibility, poetry and poetics, art, history, science, intergenerational intimacy, and access. HOW TO WATCH A SOLAR ECLIPSE will particularly speak to artists and art students, interdisciplinary thinkers, and dreamers as well–everyone is invited. The lecture concludes with an invitation to participate in a public art project that endeavors to become the world’s largest archive of used handmade solar eclipse viewers–each one named by the name, age, and location of each project participant. The collection, to be titled April 8, 2024, is designed to become a safety net for those who might otherwise toss their viewers in the trash. All participants who donate a used solar eclipse viewer will receive a free signed artist thank-you print celebrating the eclipse!


Jason Lazarus is an artist exploring vision and visibility.  His work includes a range of fluid methodologies: original, found and appropriated images, text-as-image, photo-derived sculptures made collaboratively with the public, live archives, LED light images, and public submission repositories among others. This expanded photographic practice seeks new approaches of inquiry, embodiment, and bearing witness through both individual and collective research.


Lazarus is also Co-director of Coco Hunday, an artist-run exhibition space in Tampa, FL anchored by solo exhibitions, artist-lectures, and new scholarship on emerging and mid-career artists; Director, PDF-OBJECTS, a nomadic sculpture library featuring over 100 international artists’ chosen readings sculpturally paired with everyday objects; Co-founder of #firstdayfirstimage, a national campaign that asks artist-educators to center voices long underrepresented in curricula starting with the first image shown to students on the first day of class; and Co-founder of Chicago Artist Writers, a platform that invites artists and art workers to write traditional and experimental criticism. Currently, Lazarus is an Associate Professor of Art and Art History at the University of South Florida.

Program Date: March 13, 2024