Pam Glick: Niagara USA, 2019, installation view, University at Buffalo Art Galleries.
“There is the palpable sublime as the beauty takes everyone by surprise even if you’ve seen it before. The hypnotic pull of the falls, especially the element of danger in its enormity is obvious.“
—Pam Glick
Continuing her ongoing series of interpretations of Niagara Falls, Glick paints on stretched canvases. Through mark-making and improvisational brush strokes, patterns surface rendering shapes that emulate mist and the motion of water flowing from the falls. These references are abstract and intuitive. Instinctually, these works stimulate our senses of smell, touch and sound, recalling past visits to Niagara Falls or notions of what it might be like.
Pam Glick: Dream House: Niagara–USA–Canada is an exhibition in two-parts. A concurrent installation of Glick’s tarp paintings is on view at UB Center for the Arts Atrium Gallery as part of the Art in the Open series. Both installations will be on view through January 5, 2020. In celebration of this exhibition, UB Art Galleries in partnership with Mirabo Press have published a signed and numbered, limited edition screen print/monoprint, which is available through Mirabo Press.