This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

Smokers should not be punished

I strongly disagree with the decision of UB to create a smoke-free campus. I myself do not smoke; however, many choose to do so and should not punished for their choice.

These students who do smoke have paid the same tuition as those who do not and to discriminate against them is morally reprehensible. I fully understand why smoking is not allowed in any buildings and agree with this policy. However, to not allow smokers to engage in smoking in an open-air environment where risk of second-hand smoke is extremely low is absurd.

I understand that smoking is a bad habit and one with serious health consequences. Just because people choose to smoke does not mean they are ignorant of these facts and to assume so shows only arrogance.

Jacob Cole
Department of History

Create policy for disposal of butts

To the Editor:

Smoking is, obviously, a terrible habit. It harms those who actually take part in the act, and it also harms those who are around it. However, when outdoors, it only harms the smoker.

Therefore, I think this new policy is unfair. People have a right to smoke and those who do not smoke have the right to walk away from the smoke.

A policy should be implemented for smokers who do not properly dispose of their cigarette. This is something that does affect everyone else. Clearly, after walking into Lockwood, one will see that many smokers do not properly dispose of their cigarettes; instead they leave their cigarettes burning on the sidewalk.

This policy is wrong.

Michael W Leyland
Graduate Student
Department of Library and Information Studies

‘Smoking areas’ would eliminate second-hand smoke

To the Editor:

I sincerely feel that this ban is infringing on people’s rights and will be an impossible policy to enforce. Nobody can ignore the adverse side effects of smoking; however, smoking is a personal choice.

The creation of “smoking areas” placed away from popular walkways and entrances would eliminate second-hand smoke inhalation by any nonsmoker just as effectively as a campus-wide ban. This ban is to prohibit smoking everywhere, including parking lots. Can anyone honestly tell me that lighting a cigarette in a parking lot will harm anyone any more than UB’s massive busing system, the high-calorie food you can find in abundance on campus or the asbestos cleanup in O’Brian?

And with a student body in fear of violent crimes after nightfall, I can only hope that none of UB’s fine police officers have to waste their time writing smoking citations.

I feel uncomfortable going into debt to attend a school that doesn’t respect everyone’s rights.

Jamie McMurray
Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Draft moves too many units from North to South

To the Editor:

I think the proposed physical plan calls for moving too many units from the North Campus to the South Campus. It will be expensive and incredibly disruptive.

I bought housing near the North Campus to minimize the time and expense of my commute. I’m sure many others did, too. How foolish we were to not consider the possibility that our entire schools might be relocated?

If there’s room on the South Campus for people to move there from North, then why bother moving them? Skip the shell game and augment the South Campus for whatever programs are new.

Howard Schumacher
Instructional Support Technician
Graduate School of Education

Reducing use of cars unrealistic

To the Editor:

I have two areas of concern with the draft physical plan.

First, the concept of decreasing the use of cars is idealistic, but how realistic? I feel like I am taking a “Joe the Plumber” stance—I am your average UB staff member, who tries to balance personal and professional life. That often means scheduling a doctor’s appointment before work or a grocery trip afterwards—maybe even running an errand during lunch. I would be much less likely to be able to do those things in a timely manner if I had to rely on public transportation.

Also, if I am unable to “kill two birds with one stone” by doing these things on the way to or from work, I am then using more gas to fuel up my car in the evening to drive from home toward the campuses to buy groceries, etc.

Second, by not inviting local restaurants or food vendors onto the South Campus, you are forcing more staff to bring in a bagged lunch and sit in the office, versus facing the cold walk across Main Street to support area businesses.

This is the biggest complaint I hear among colleagues—give us “Southies” some of the lunch options so generously bestowed upon North Campus residents.

Cynthia DuPont
Clinical Director, CARES Program
School of Dental Medicine