Cross-cutting | Student Poster | 2019

Variations by Sex and Age in the Association between Alcohol Use and Depressive Experience among Thai Adolescents

Wit Wichaidit, Nannapat Pruphetkaew, Sawitri Assanangkornchai
Table 2. Drinking behaviors (Percent±StandardError) among students without depressive experience (NoDE, reference group) and students with depressive experience(DE), stratified by school level and sex.

Table 2. Drinking behaviors (Percent±StandardError) among students without depressive experience (NoDE, reference group) and students with depressive experience(DE), stratified by school level and sex


  • Depression: Most common cause of years lost to disability among population aged 10-14 year olds [1]
  • Depressive experience:Self-reported sadness and despair for 2 weeks; Survey measurement feasible
  • Alcohol: Most commonly used drug among adolescents
  • Drinking is associated with depression[2,3]
  • Adolescents: Neurological responses to alcohol vary by age and sex[4]
  • Question: Alcohol vs. depression varies by age and sex?

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