1 - 10 of 62 search results for ohrbach 62 results
Richard Ohrbach - UB People - University Archives https://library2.buffalo.edu/archives/ubpeople/detail.html?ID=5728
Richard Ohrbach. Affiliation(s): Dentistry. Record Group(s): 37. Search by Title. Search Options.
XI. Correspondence to James Joyce - James Joyce… https://library.buffalo.edu/jamesjoyce/catalog/letters-xi/xi/
A.l.s.: 1l recto–verso. Jerome K. Ohrbach to Joyce. Jerome K. Ohrbach, 410 Thurston Avenue, Ithaca, New York, [U.S.A.] to Joyce; 25 March [after July 1927].
XI. Correspondence to James Joyce - James Joyce… https://library.buffalo.edu/jamesjoyce/catalog/letters-xi/
Search for:. XI. Correspondence to James Joyce. Joyce Catalog. 1–2. 1–4. Antheil, George: 1–6. 1–7. Black Sun Press:. See Harry Crosby to Joyce andChadbourne, Stanchfield & Levy, Benjamin H. Conner:. See Benjamin H. Conner to Joyce
Browse UB People https://library2.buffalo.edu/archives/ubpeople/browse.html?lastname=o
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K./a: 1u20132/linlia href="xi#ohrbachj"Ohrbach, Jerome K./a/lin/ulnhr /nh2 id="p"a href="xi#p"P./a/h2nulnlia href="xi#painleve"Painlevu00e9, Jean/a/linlia
Oral Diagnostic Sciences Administration
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Graduate UB Academic Schedule https://www.buffalo.edu/class-sched…emester=fall&division=GRAD&dept=ODS
Tmd:Conceptual Foundations. 000. SEM. TBA. TBA. Squire 355. South Campus. Ohrbach. ... Research. RO. TUT. TBA. TBA. Squire 355. South Campus. Ohrbach. Open.
18 Jun 1998: The study, to be conducted by Richard Ohrbach, assistant professor in the Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences in the School of Dental Medicine, will evaluate two forms of treatment for the
18 Mar 1999: Richard Ohrbach, assistant professor of oral diagnostic sciences, and colleagues presented their findings Friday. ... We're trying to understand the dimensions that explain the problems people have," Ohrbach said.