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Chapter I https://ontology.buffalo.edu/stove/chapter-01.html
16 May 2024: Take Kuhn again. Some one may tell me that he is not reluctant, at all, to admit my historical claim (A). ... This suggestion (although I will not pursue it in connection with the phrase "solving problems") seems to me to furnish the key to the two main
Interview with Tony Mendoza https://www.buffalo.edu/capenchair/…/download_18/file.res/iMendoza.html
16 May 2024: The fact that a check comes in, regularly, makes me less ambitious about making it in the art world. ... I like the food the music and Cubans amuse me. Most are too conservative for my taste, but I forgive them.".
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's Articles on Clinton https://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/clinton/ambrose.html
16 May 2024: His response was swift. He responded to the "shameless propaganda", which accused him of working for a London "tabloid", with: Why is Clinton persecuting me? ... riddance on April 20 1997: "Critics tell me that I have invested too much emotion in my
Salon | Ask Camille: Why feminists are… https://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/clinton/paglia.html
16 May 2024: For example, Bewildered Male declares, "For the life of me, I don't understand female passion about Clinton." Noting that "Anita Hill is given victim-sainthood for having seen a pubic ... Bill Clinton's "sexual appetite," as you put it, intrigues me as a
Lab�: El�gie litgloss.buffalo.edu/labe/text.php
16 May 2024: Qu'impossible est, que tu m'aies laissée :. Et de nouvel ta foy je me fiance,. ... les roulantes areines,. Le beau païs auquelOnt entendu (tu me l'as fait à croire).
Interview with Paul Sierra https://www.buffalo.edu/capenchair/…r/download_25/file.res/iSierra.html
16 May 2024: Sierra]: "No, right, in a certain way reading has more impact on me. ... Actually, one with three figures; somebody sent me an e-mail from Indianapolis.
vi/vim | UB CSE IT Service Catalog https://wiki.cse.buffalo.edu/services/content/vivim
16 May 2024: Customize your vim environment by creating a. /.vimrc. file. This feature annoys me, so I'm documenting the command to disable it in case it annoys you, too.
Tuomela on Collective Acceptance https://ontology.buffalo.edu/FARBER/tuomela.htm
16 May 2024: Due to limitations of space, let me just briefly consider the matter and present the following suggestion (see Tuomela and Balzer, 1997):. ... I cannot here argue for this view, which, let me emphasize, does allow for social entities which are
Salon Wanderlust | The view from Europe https://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/clinton/europe.html
16 May 2024: I'm sick of it," she said. "I'm the only American in the office and they surrounded me. ... What sort of history do Americans learn in school?" the Dutch are asking me, over and over again.
Chapter IV https://ontology.buffalo.edu/stove/chapter-04.html
16 May 2024: The conclusion of any invalid argument is indeed a validator of it, but Q is not available to me or any arguer to Q as an additional premise, because Q cannot