1 - 50 of 88 search results for Me 2520ga 88 results
1 Jan 2006: He represented himself, which is very unusual, and answered his own phone, which really threw me. ... A "diva" speaker berated me for failing to have fresh flowers in her suite at the Hyatt.
1 Jan 2006: She Loves Me" to be performed. The Department of Theatre and Dance will present the musical "She Loves Me" Nov. ... To register, send an email with the words "Please register me for Toward an Understanding of International Classrooms" to ctlr@buffalo.edu.
1 Jan 2006: I have a great deal invested in UB—professionally and educationally—which has enabled me to successfully build both programs. ... some years back, my broad background has prepared me to effectively initiate and coordinate the UB and 5-SUNY Campus
1 Jan 2006: At one point, MapQuest () directed me to hop on something called the "Maine State Fry." I assumed that "Fry" was short for "freeway," but closer inspection revealed it was a ferry. ... Needless to say, hopping a ferry may have provided me with a scenic
1 Jan 2006: Call me, bug me, email me, come visit me. Let's see how we can help each other.".
1 Jan 2006: Sunday, April 22, 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. WAIT WAIT.DON'T TELL ME.
1 Jan 2006: The study has a good start, thanks to the Center for Hearing and Deafness in the Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences, which provides me with excellent facilities for the study.
1 Jan 2006: As part of this process, it has become clear to me and to other members of the university community that as the University at Buffalo prospers, so prospers Western New York. ... It seems to me that it may be the most important investment the state can
1 Jan 2006: So what did I end up doing? I wasted close to 15 minutes trying to get the darn site to recognize "Yellow Submarine" while it kept telling me that I had
1 Jan 2006: Always before, I was all about me. How fast can I go, how much can I do.
1 Jan 2006: You studied in New Zealand as a student Fulbright recipient. Tell me a little about your experience. ... You've been involved in developing several study-abroad programs at UB. Tell me about them.
1 Jan 2006: James LaBrie (vocals) joined the band in 1991, and the band recorded "Images and Words," which yielded "Pull Me Under," an MTV hit in the age of grunge and an increasing
1 Jan 2006: WAIT WAIT.DON'T TELL ME, with Peter Sagal and Carl Kasell. A rotating panel of writers, journalists and NPR personalities are guided through a series of games that test their
1 Jan 2006: and overseas. Somebody asked me if the Dalai Lama's visit has had any effect on enrollment. ... Which reminds me, I received a call the other day from a colleague at University of California-Davis.
1 Jan 2006: I hope I'll be as good a supervisor to others as he's been to me.". ... I have particularly enjoyed the opportunity to work with so many fine people at UB who have taught me a lot.
1 Jan 2006: of these students, and have them recognize me from participating in their orientation program.". ... It sounds like a good group of folks giving their best shot.I hear a wall of good noises coming at me.".
1 Jan 2006: The producer did not want me to be on camera when they were cooking the wings," he said. ... He walked right up to me after the show and started talking to me, asking who I was and what I did at the university.
1 Jan 2006: Otherwise, the most that's going to happen is it's going to be traced back to me," Baumer said. ... This is a little too 'Big Brother' for me.". Ringland and Baumer agreed that a set of guidelines regarding student privacy is needed for UB faculty
1 Jan 2006: books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read." Suggestica is a place to go to find such "best friends," and the people
1 Jan 2006: The thing that attracted me to UB was the approach to ontology advocated by the philosophy department and the opportunities offered by UB's New York State Center of Excellence in
1 Jan 2006: Her UB talk will focus on culture and conflict in the Middle East, radical Islam and her recent book, "Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel
1 Jan 2006: Sunday, May 6, 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. WAIT WAIT.DON'T TELL ME, with Peter Sagal and Carl Kasell.
1 Jan 2006: That internship helped me realize that I wanted to spend my life working to protect the environment and raising public awareness regarding environmental concerns. ... I wish you would have asked me, "What is UB doing to address climate change, the most
1 Jan 2006: This experience will provide me with the background and knowledge to help me in future and current administrative duties," said Cartwright. ... I hope that direct interaction with the administration will allow me to provide necessary input to ensure that
1 Jan 2006: The issue first arose when someone from the medical school told me that they were being videotaped against their will," Nickerson said. ... If you're not comfortable being filmed and you don't want your course presented that way, it seems to me there
1 Jan 2006: again, Sam," "Beam me up, Scotty." "Houston, we have a problem," and many more.
1 Jan 2006: Sundays, 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. WAIT, WAIT.DON'T TELL ME, with Peter Sagal and Carl Kasell.
1 Jan 2006: Let me talk a little about the relationship of children and play space since that was a critical topic. ... This work is important to me personally and professionally because it combines my professional expertise with my desire to make and remake the
1 Jan 2006: Need-to-know news and views for UB faculty and staff. Search. This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter. Archives. Published: September 28, 2006. PSS to meet today. The Professional Staff Senate will hold a general membership meeting at 3
1 Jan 2006: Both those things are of concern to me," she says, "and it's hard to find that in the same institution.
1 Jan 2006: Deep engagement with present-day Brazilian society and culture, I think, has given me a certain sensitivity for the complexities of past societies as well," notes Langfur, who sharpened his skills
1 Jan 2006: HUNTER. "It was an awe-inspiring experience for me," said Carlamere. "It was very moving, He's a very, very special man, the way he reaches out to people to give
1 Jan 2006: My experience.makes me keenly aware of the difficulties, but also the benefits, of communicating with groups through technology," says Stefanone, who last semester taught hundreds of students in an intro
1 Jan 2006: melted with a crï¿me brule torch.
1 Jan 2006: While lecturing still works for me, seeing students create authentic expressions of meaning related to my curriculum has transformed the way I view teaching.
1 Jan 2006: There are several departments that participate in this integrated nanostructures project, such as Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Physics, to name a few," he notes, "so this gives me an opportunity to
1 Jan 2006: Great Spirit today, let me see myself as a valuable contributor to the whole.".
1 Jan 2006: I also felt a moral responsibility to stay on," she adds, "My friends and informants looked at me and thought that as long as I stayed, the situation would improve.
1 Jan 2006: The students heard about it before we even put it on our public address system, and several parents called me within hours of the announcement to say, 'Hey, did you hear
1 Jan 2006: WAIT WAIT.DON'T TELL ME. Host Peter Sagal guides a rotating panel of writers, journalists, NPR personalities and listeners through a series of games that test their knowledge of the
1 Jan 2006: For an interesting look at each girl's background, visit "Are You Like Me?" at.
1 Jan 2006: CSC) who manages CSC's GWAC (Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts) Service Center. "The new lab is an ideal match for me: an improved teaching space for top-notch students and faculty
1 Jan 2006: Lin said his studies at UB have been "a prosperous gain to me.
1 Jan 2006: I said 'tell me what you need,' and Warde said 'a weight-training facility, that's my priority.' We came up with a number that worked for both of us.". ... It means a lot not just to me," he said, "but to the coaches and all the athletes.
1 Jan 2006: To me, my job when I'm in the field is to at least remark upon and notice the passing of a person," he said. ... To me, the only answer is you've got to keep trying," said Cooper, who estimated he has spent altogether a year of his life reporting in
1 Jan 2006: It never fails to surprise me that they can't overlook it.
1 Jan 2006: I'm sure that SUNY would not like me purposefully excluding certain classes of students from the sample, but we'll certainly record that," Tutzauer said.
1 Jan 2006: The transfer counselor at UB saw that I had good grades in math and science and she told me that minorities are seriously needed in math and science," she says. ... The Buffalo Geosciences Program opened up a lot of possibilities for me," Ridgeway says.
1 Jan 2006: Tell me about that. Our UB community has a vital role to play in improving the quality of life throughout our region and beyond, and through our impact as a major ... I believe in UB and wanted to give back to the institution that has given me so much.
1 Jan 2006: I've had perfect strangers say they've listened to me on their iPods when they went for a jog. ... This made me realize, vividly, that this is a completely new form of communication capable of reaching a new audience.".