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1 Jan 2003: To plan the perfect Thanksgiving dinner, you'll want to look at the Food Network's "Holiday Countdown Tips" at. ... Not only will you discover how to make a faultless pie crust, you'll find tips on how to create an inviting atmosphere for your guests.
1 Jan 2003: Then I'll say, "Sorry.just kidding.". What's the best April Fool's joke you've ever witnessed and/or pulled on someone? ... Email your jokes to the Reporter at ub-reporter@buffalo.edu and we'll print them in the next online-only issue on April 15.
1 Jan 2003: And anyway, I'll bet you a doppio espresso that that book was never translated into French!". ... For a triple latte, I'll tell you what to do," offered Chris.
1 Jan 2003: The maintenance people are reluctant a lot of times to say that there are things that need to be done because then they'll have to do them. ... Lighbulbs are the big thing. There apparently is some sort of magic, minimal number of lightbulbs that aren't
1 Jan 2003: If Dean loses the nomination, it could put the winner in an awkward position because he'll either have to become more liberal to consolidate the party, or he'll have
1 Jan 2003: I'll miss her very much.". Noble was very active in the Health Sciences Center Chapter of United University Professions (UUP), the union representing SUNY faculty and professional staff members, and ... I'll miss her wonderful intelligence, wry humor and
1 Jan 2003: Hebert did say he won't have to worry about how much money he'll make this summer to cover tuition bills, although he does plan to work, possibly teaching English ... You do relax after the first question.". With the winnings Hebert, a cartoonist for the
1 Jan 2003: We'll send commuters announcements, and the e-newsletter will keep them informed of upcoming events and helpful services.
1 Jan 2003: And we'll have records of how we did it so we don't have to start all over next time we want to do the same thing.".
1 Jan 2003: In 1963, he began a yearlong LL.M. program at Harvard Law School, funded by a Ford Foundation fellowship in law teaching.