1 - 50 of 64 search results for Me 2520ga 64 results
29 Apr 1999: I know they were a rewarding experience for me. What is your fondest memory of UB athletics? ... Tell me something about yourself that most people at UB don't know, but should.
18 Feb 1999: Being a recipient of any award has always given me cause for humble reflection. ... The subject of AIDS inspired me as a vehicle for a piece of choreography.
16 Sep 1999: But, for me, it is more of a feeling of what green spaces and trees and flowers do for my inner being. ... Believe me, parking lots and over-construction do not give me the same feelings!
15 Apr 1999: This afforded me the opportunity to complete licensing agreements in more than 40 countries on six different continents during my 20-plus years in technology transfer for the company. ... I've endured the calls to "show me the money, Jerry," as well.
28 Jan 1999: I think she is an absolutely captivating performer. Tell me something about yourself that most people don't know but should? ... They can email me at rehard@acsu.buffalo.edu with questions. Our office is open 9 a.m.
30 Sep 1999: My kids mocked me for buying a music box" instead of a new stereo, he says. ... He would show me what he was doing (and) would discuss how happy he was with dentistry.".
29 Apr 1999: Now, if God had intended for me to be a high-school or college coach, my objective would be to impress among the youngsters that education is more important than winning. ... In more than 100 years of the game of baseball, only 14 managers have been
7 Oct 1999: I have been teaching at UB since 1962 and I strongly identify with this university and with this department, which has been very good to me," said Hare, noting that the ... nominating me to be its first occupant," recalled Dipert, who holds a doctoral
9 Dec 1999: Just when I'm about to leave, I find a system that lets me have a great social life and get work done!". ... My academic work pales in comparison. I can't say enough about how the people I've met have shaped me and help me grow.".
26 Aug 1999: The people in facilities were very supportive and it was clear that many people wanted me to be successful. ... Tell me something about yourself that most people don't know, but should.
7 Oct 1999: Well, let me tell you something about leadership," he continued. "Leadership is not always doing something that is going to jack you up a couple of points in the polls. ... Good intentions aside, it is not yet clear to me what the operation achieved.".
22 Apr 1999: However, the dark side of this fragile dependence was dramatically demonstrated to me in the last couple weeks as I looked at Lockwood's books on art and architecture in Kosovo ... As for riding "Superman" at Darien Lake, ask me to write a reaction piece
20 May 1999: She told me it felt like the worst headache she'd ever had.". ... Those two things-that it was the worst headache she'd ever had and that it hit all of a sudden-made me suspect right away that either it was a
14 Jan 1999: Tell me about it. We recently expanded our pro shop/equipment room services. ... Tell me something about yourself that most people don't know but should?
1 Jan 1999: I haven't even seen a cracked window. I am very thankful that there is no bad news to report from me personally. ... Watching Turkish television lets me see more complete and honest coverage of the efforts than I could get on CNN, and the situation is
1 Jan 1999: Tell me about new programs for the upcoming year. That would depend on each organization and their plans, and as we are just beginning this fall I haven't heard much ... Tell me something about yourself that nobody knows, but should? When I headed off to
4 Feb 1999: The father told me that his daughter was doing poorly in all of her classes, had failed two exams and was convinced that UB was too difficult for her. ... In this case, however, the father told me that he knew his daughter would be very grateful if I
23 Sep 1999: Some (students) were eating, knitting, sleeping, paying attention, and it occurred to me that this was not going the way I wanted.". ... That's made life more tolerable for me and my students.". Gentile, a SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor in the
22 Apr 1999: It is these student-athletes that make me feel proud to be a graduate of the top school in the SUNY system.
1 Jan 1999: I always urge students to talk to me at the end of a class or during my office hours if they have problems with the material I presented. ... In smaller classes of less than 50 students, I ask students to interrupt me if they have questions.
29 Apr 1999: They were helpful; they gave me some advice on how to fix it up.". ... I look forward to being a seniorŠbut at the same time, the thought of it being my last year in college scares me.".
22 Jan 1999: since it is the one dish that has never come out badly for me, I do tend to make it when I have company. ... I really need to get me one of those) then you can start cookin'.
1 Apr 1999: Tell me about the new Regents requirements for K-12 students? Will they really make our students better prepared? ... I wish you had asked me about the moral dimensions of teaching, because I believe that teachers should not only be concerned about
4 Feb 1999: Rozak described Kinser's loss as "terrible for the students, for UB and for me personally.
22 Jan 1999: Tell me about it. Actually, the lobby effort was a joint effort with several groups on campus, including the offices of Admissions and Publications and University Facilities. ... Tell me something about yourself that most people don't know but should?
4 Nov 1999: He has been my friend and colleague ever since, as well as a neighbor to my wife, Carole, and me for more than 20 years.
25 Feb 1999: Tell me something about yourself that most people don't know, but should. ... Most of the volunteers would prefer no formal recognition and tell me that they volunteer because they want to and they enjoy it.
1 Jan 1999: And this brings me to the main problem I have with Provost Triggle (the man) and his little blue book.
28 Oct 1999: You can contact me at 645-6019 or via email at vmajewsk@buffalo.edu.
28 Jan 1999: The international students have told me that they found the American students very enthusiastic, attentive, well-behaved and curious," he said.
9 Sep 1999: This technology is expensive. Tell me something about yourself that most people at UB don't know, but should.
11 Feb 1999: For me, the most interesting poetry does things with words that cannot be done in any other medium. ... Delany will be joining us. Raymond Federman has been for me a crucial presence in the program, so I greeted word of his retirement from UB with sadness
24 Jun 1999: When it started to look like the Sabres might make it to the Stanley Cup finals, Okubo sent Hasek a message saying, "Keep tickets for me if you make it!".
7 Oct 1999: That, to me, is a very cynical response.". Miller takes issue with the way prisons are "warehousing" violence within the system.
18 Mar 1999: It taught me what a great need there is for proper planning ahead of time, and for proper monitoring and measurement of performance, both in the technology itself and in the
11 Feb 1999: You can't possibly understand how excited I am that my journey has led me here today," Arkeilpane told an enthusiastic crowd of alumni, staff and community supporters.
26 Aug 1999: Many local fans call me during the week for updates and accurate details about the races.
14 Oct 1999: I had no credentials for teaching at all, but they told me with my background in engineering, I could certainly do it," she says.
9 Sep 1999: I wanted to find out why it was called Kaisertown, so I asked an elderly woman in the area, who told me that the whole area used to be German farms.
1 Jan 1999: Let me explain:. I am a transfer student from the University of Tennessee.
1 Jan 1999: arts test conducted by me than did their classmates峱n average, 20 percent higher.".
4 Feb 1999: The Clinton matters were, it seemed to me, an interesting focus point for a wide range of issues of this sort.".
29 Apr 1999: To me, this situation cries out for more than rules for student behavior.
28 Oct 1999: Couples tell me all the time that when they're arguing, they realize how ridiculous (it is) because the dog looks upset," she said.
9 Dec 1999: Bucher himself says: "It has been a challenge to me for many years to develop something original that would have meaning for the 21st century.
4 Nov 1999: God has planned my life," said Fakeye, now 71. "Carving is an inspiration for me.
16 Sep 1999: It is remarkable to me, after so many years, that there are people who still don't realize that our services are available to all undergraduates.
4 Nov 1999: This unexpected event "told me this product was by no means a product of the past." He said the company needed to reinvent the past to reach the consumer of the
18 Nov 1999: This strikes me as one of the most important and vicious forms of sexual harassment that we have to confront now," he added.
28 Jan 1999: To say to me that we failed to inform or consult the senate is frankly ludicrous," he said.