Self-Help materials from the UB Counseling Center

Although the University's Counseling Center provides free confidential counseling to registered UB students only, anyone can peruse its "self-help" homepage on UB Wings. In addition to providing basic information about the Counseling Center's services, this Web site provides a wealth of information on diverse topics such as: "stress and anxiety," "self-defeating behaviors," "time management," and "ending relationships."

The Counseling Center via UB Wings also has a search engine where you can enter keywords such as "suicide," "drugs," and "body image" to find information of interest within its pages. The site also provides miscellaneous "words to ponder" from such diverse observers of the human condition as "Aldous Huxley, dying" and "adult children of alcoholic/dysfunctional families" are listed as well. Links to resources on the Internet such as the "Self-Help Book Index" from the University of Missouri and the APA's "self-help" brochures are also available.

Those interested in "self-help" will find a wealth of materials on the Net. Two "self-help" sites are particularly noteworthy: Psych Web's "Psychology Self-Help Resources on the Internet" & Psychology Magazine. ( /user/selfhelp/artindex.htm). You name the "self-help" topic and you will find it on one of these sites: "aging," "domestic violence," "eating disorders," "pain," "parenting," "sexual disorders," "sleep disorders," "work and finances," among many, many others.

To help yourself to "self-help" on campus, type wings at your campus e-mail system prompt, select "Services," then "Campus," then "Services Specifically for Students," then "Counseling Center." For access to the Psych Web and The Well "self-help" sites, type their URLs at the "Go" command. Naturally those who search the Web via a graphical browser such as Netscape can use the above URLs as well. For assistance in connecting to UB Wings, contact the Computing homepage or "self-help" sites on the Web, contact David Gilles-Thomas,< /i>, Counseling Center, 645-2720.

-Gemma DeVinney and Don Hartman, University Libraries

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