'Community Quilt' is theme of SEFA/United Way campaign

It's all about reaching out.

Through SEFA and the United Way, UB employees have the opportunity to reach out into the community around us.

It is because community is so important that the United Way has chosen "Community Quilt" as the theme of its 1995 national campaign. An upbeat, hopeful portrait of the mosaic of our nation's communities, "Community Quilt" brings to life the faces and personalities behind the United Way, its volunteers and agencies.

Between us and the rest of the world is our community, a kind of quilt, if you will, with each of us a unique patch. The United Way is the thread, and the quilt is sewn together through the efforts of its hard-working volunteers and non-profit agencies.

The United Way connects those who have great need with the places and people who can fill those needs. When you support SEFA and the United Way you become a patch in the "Community Quilt," helping to keep the circle going and the thread strong. UB's SEFA campaign runs through Oct. 28.

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