Duo add/remove device notifications starting January 16th

A student uses a phone in the library.

UBIT is rolling out Duo security enhancements to safeguard your UB account. Photographer: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki

Portrait photo of Michael Canfield

By Michael Canfield
IT Communication Specialist

Published January 14, 2025

Starting on January 16, 2025, UBIT will introduce a Duo security enhancement aimed at protecting your UB account. Whenever a device is added to or removed from your Duo account, you will automatically receive an email notification.

What you need to know

  • Email notifications: These emails will come from no-reply@duosecurity.com, which will include the UB logo for authenticity.
  • Unauthorized changes: If you did not authorize a change to your Duo account, contact the UBIT Help Center immediately for assistance and change your UBITName password.

Stay secure with Duo

  • Verify authenticity: If you ever have doubts about the legitimacy of an email, do not click on any links. Instead, directly reach out to the UBIT Help Center for verification.
  • Enroll multiple devices: To avoid being locked out of your UBITName, UBIT recommends that you have multiple devices enrolled in your Duo account.

Get help

For more information on using Duo at UB, visi buffalo.edu/ubit/duo

The UBIT Help Center is here to help with your technology needs at UB. Students can also reach out to the UB Tech Squad for help; they can meet you anywhere on North or South Campus. 

UB Information Technology News keeps UB students, faculty, and staff informed about their IT services and showcases creative collaborations between UBIT and the campus community. Published by the Office of the Chief Information Officer at UB and distributed via email as The Monthly Download. Edited by Diana Tuorto, IT Communication and Engagement, dianatuo@buffalo.edu.