First Expert Panel Meeting on Disaster Research and Planning

J.Pantelic, J.Stoyle

NCEER-88-0045 | 09/15/1988 | 80 pages

Keywords: Research Management, Technology Transfer, Education, Research Programs, National Center For Earthquake Engineering Research, Preparedness, Disaster Planning, Reconstruction, and Databases.

Abstract: In August of 1987, a panel on Disaster Research and Planning convened at the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER) in Buffalo, New York. The panel was formed in order to assist NCEER with the establishment of a working plan for its Disaster Research and Planning Program, the overall goal of which is to expand NCEER's area of concern to the planning, economic, social and political aspects of earthquake impact on social systems. Three key areas were identified to be targets of discussion: research in basic issues of economic, planning, political and other effects of earthquakes on social systems; education in earthquake awareness and risk communication; and implementation of completed research. Some of the most significant recommendations of the panel included NCEER's establishment of state-of-the-art research assessments, NCEER's support of conferences and seminars, and finally, more facilitation by NCEER in the process of linking technology transfer to the users of earthquake information. The meeting of the Expert Panel will be a regular event with membership on the panel lasting two years, with one-half of the members carrying over to the next year. Appendices within the report include a list of the twelve panel participants and their curriculum vitae.