Keywords: Grand Challenges for Disaster Reduction. Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction (SDR). Multihazard approaches. Loss assessment methodologies. Intelligent structures. Lifelines. Disaster mitigation. Technology. Regional economic models. Earthquake impacts. Damage. Societal issues. Diversity. Warning dissemination. Disaster responses. Vulnerability. Real-time monitoring. Structural performance. Designs. Retrofitting. Protection. Disaster resilient communities. Organization.
Abstract: This special report presents factors that should be considered in the formulation of a national research strategy for disaster loss reduction in response to the Grand Challenges for Disaster Reduction report published by the Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction (SDR). Recommended research initiatives emphasize a multi-hazard approach, including expanding loss assessment methodologies, developing intelligent buildings and lifelines, identifying new mitigation strategies and technologies, and building on accomplishments of regional economic modeling for earthquake impacts by extending these models to multi-hazard scenarios. In addition to structural considerations, the report emphasizes the need to understand societal diversity and its impact on warning dissemination and the response process. Color figures and references are included.