Keywords: Performance-based designs. Non-structural components and contents (NCC). Designs paradigms. Structural framing systems. Response-history analyses. Retrofitting. Hospitals. Construction. Buckling restrained braces. Fluid viscous dampers. Base isolation. Structural performance. Drift. Acceleration demands. Seismic performance.
Abstract: According to this report, the principal investments in building construction are made in non-structural components and contents (NCCs), and a new and efficient performance-based design paradigm is needed to focus on these key investments. The impact of structural framing system type on the NCC’s demands is illustrated through response-history analysis of two conventional hospital buildings located in Southern California, which represent typical 1960s-era and 1970s-era construction, and ten models of alternate (retrofit) construction. Steel yielding devices (buckling strained braces), fluid viscous dampers, and base-isolation are considered in this study. Tables, figures, references and appendices are included.