2018-2019 Colloquium Schedule
Graduating MSW VMF Focus student Kaneisha Wheelock
Kaneisha Wheelock (with Dr. Lisa Butler, on right), graduating 2017 MSW VMF Focus student, was awarded a competitive Interprofessional Fellowship in Substance Addiction Treatment at the Seattle Division of the Addictions Treatment Center within the VA Puget Sound Health Care System.
A News Release in January 2016 highlights our project's important research.
In the summer of 2015, Joining Forces-UB team members presented at Sigmund Freud University as part of the XXXIVth International Congress on Law and Mental Health in Vienna, Austria.
Dr. Lisa Butler presenting at Sigmund Freud University as part of the XXIV International Congress on Law and Mental Health in Vienna, Austria (July 2015)
Conference presentations included:
Class picture of students in Introduction to Issues in Veteran and Military Family Care, Spring 2015. (Note the student video-conferencing in while serving in Germany!)