Tanya Orellana. Photo: Doug Levere
Tanya Orellana, a first-generation American of Hispanic descent, grew up in a single-parent household.
On rotations, Tanya meets patients from around the globe. She converses with those who speak Spanish, “connecting with them on a more intimate level,” she says.
“I chose UB not only because of the opportunities the school would provide me, but also because I could contribute and add to the diversity of medical professionals,” she says.
Tanya is grateful to have received a donor-funded scholarship to help her pay for tuition and other costs of medical school.
“The scholarship has greatly alleviated the additional financial burden I would have placed on my mother,” she says. “Being able to pursue my dreams without feeling deeply limited by finances, and to graduate from medical school with fewer student loans grants me peace of mind."
Post-graduation, Tanya hopes to work with geriatric patients in underserved neighborhoods, and advocate for them to receive appropriate care.
“I have always dreamed of serving in underrepresented and disadvantaged neighborhoods,” she says. “Being a part of the community involvement opportunities here in Buffalo, such free health clinics and homeless outreach programs, has allowed me to gain valuable experience.”