New York State Area Health Education Center (AHEC) focuses on strategies to enhance quality health care and improve health care and outcomes. This is done by addressing the health workforce needs of medically disadvantaged communities and populations through partnerships between institutions that train health professionals and communities that need them most. New York suffers from a shortage of health care professionals and lack of diversity in the health workforce. The New York State AHEC system is compromised of nine AHEC centers, three regional offices and the statewide office/Univeristy at Buffalo. Together the NYS AHEC system implements community-based strategies that cultivate a more divese health workforce, assuring that each community has enough practioners in the right categories, particulary primary care, and overall improving acess to quality health care for all New Yorkers.
NYS AHEC has several different programs such as a scholar program, opioid prevention education project, opioid use peer recovery network development program, pipeline programs, rural comminities prrogram, continuing education programs and more. Learn more about all the great work NYS AHEC is doing here.