Turnitin Workshops

Uphold academic integrity, from basic similarity checking to comprehensive educator insights, and bring students to the center of their academic journey

Turnitin is available to UB instructors to aid in promoting academic integrity by checking student work for originality, identifying potential plagiarism, and providing feedback on writing through its similarity reports and grading tools.

Upcoming Workshops

Turnitin AI Writing Indicator.

Turnitin: Introduction to Originality and the AI Indicator

Virtual | Wednesday, Jan. 29, 7 p.m. ET

We're excited to provide an overview of the Turnitin Similarity Report with Originality, which includes the AI Indicator.  We will learn about and view the differences and similarities between the Similarity Report and the AI Indicator, and will discuss the importance of thoughtful, nuanced reviews of student works.  We will take a look at how various paper results might show up via BrightSpace, with ample time for your questions.

Turnitin Similarity Report.

A Deeper Dive: Working with the New Turnitin Similarity Report (Including AI Indication)

Virtual | Friday, Jan 31. 2 p.m. ET

Since the release of ChatGPT in late 2023, Turnitin has been updating and adding new features to help students navigate the special challenges of the AI era while promoting academic integrity.  This session provides a deeper dive on Turnitn features, paying special attention to the new enhanced Similarity Report view, with more time spent reviewing AI Indicator reports and the brand new Paraphrase Detection for AI-generated content.  Questions are always welcome during our sessions.