Melanie Green


Melanie Green.

Melanie Green


Melanie Green


Research Topics

Media effects (entertainment media); The persuasive power of narratives; Technology and interpersonal interactions

Overview Background Publications

Freedman, G., Green, M.C., Flanagan, M., & Kaufman, G. (in press). The influence of Stephen Hawking’s death on interest in cosmology and ALS. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

*Fitzgerald, K., *Paravati, E., Green, M.C., Moore, M., & Qian, J. (in press). Restorative narratives for health promotion. Health Communication

*Carpenter, J.M., Green, M.C., & Fitzgerald, K.  (in press). Motivation for mindreading: Individual differences in the desire to perspective-take influence narrative processing. Scientific Study of Literature

*Freedman, G., Seidman, M., Flanagan, M., Kaufman, G., & Green, M. C. (2018). The impact of an “aha” moment on gender biases: Mixed evidence for the efficacy of a game intervention that challenges gender assumptions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 78, 162-167.

*Carpenter, J.M., Green, M.C., & *LaFlam, J. (2018).  Just between us: Exclusive communications in online social networks. Journal of Social Psychology, 158(4), 405-420.

*Freedman, G., Green, M.C., Kaufman, G., Flanagan, M., & *Fitzgerald, K. (2018). The impact of gender on attributions for women’s anxiety and doubt in a science narrative. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 42(2), 178-191

Clark, J.M., & Green, M.C. (2018).  Self-fulfilling prophecies: Perceived reality of online interaction drives expected outcomes of online communication. Personality and Individual Differences, 133, 73-76.

Gabriel, S., *Paravati, E., & Green, M.C. (2018).  From Apprentice to President: The role of parasocial connection in the election of Donald Trump. Social Psychology and Personality Science, 9(3), 299-307.

*Clark, J.M., Algoe, S.B., & Green, M.C. (2018). Social network sites and well-being: The role of social connection. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(1), 32-37.

*Freedman, G., Seidman, M., Flanagan, M., Green, M.C., & Kaufman, G. (2018). Updating a classic: A new generation of vignette experiments involving iterative decision-making.  Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(1), 43-59. 

*Simons, J.J.P., & Green, M.C. (2018).  Divisive topics as social threats.  Communication Research45(2), 165-187.

Green, M.C., Kaufman, G., Flanagan, M., & *Fitzgerald, K.S. (2017). Self-esteem and public self-consciousness moderate the emotional impact of expressive writing about experiences with bias. Personality and Individual Differences, 116, 212-215.

*Leung, M.M., Green, M.C., Tate, D.F., Cai, J., & Ammerman, A. (2017). Fight for Your Right to FruitĀ©: Psychosocial outcomes of a manga comic promoting fruit consumption in middle-school youth. Health Communication, 32 (5), 533-540.

Simons, J.J.P., & Green, M.C. (in press). Divisive topics as social threats. Communication Research.

* Carpenter, J.M., Green, M.C., & Vacharkulksemsuk, T. (2016). Beyond perspective-taking: Mind-reading motivation.  Motivation and Emotion, 40(3), 358-374.

*Donahue, J.K., & Green, M.C.  (2016). A good story: Men's storytelling ability affects their attractiveness and perceived status.  Personal Relationships, 23(2), 199-213.

Dill-Shackleford, K., Green, M.C., Scharrer, E., Wetterer, C., & Shackleford, L.  (in press). Setting the stage for social change: Using live theater to dispel myths about intimate partner violence.  Journal of Health Communication.

Appel, M., Gnambs, R., Richter, T., & Green, M.C.  (2015). The Transportation Scale - Short Form (TS-SF). Media Psychology, 18(2), 243-266.

Nabi, R., & Green, M.C.  (2015). The role of a narrative’s emotional flow in promoting persuasive outcomes. Media Psychology, 18(2), 137-162.

Leung, M.M., Green, M.C., Cai, J., Gaba, A., Tate, D., & Ammerman, A.  (2015).  Fight for Your Right to Fruit: Development of a manga comic promoting fruit consumption in youth.  Open Nutrition Journal.

Green, M.C., & Jenkins, K.M. (2014). Interactive narratives: Processes and outcomes in user-directed stories.Journal of Communication, 64(3), 479-500.

Link to my Google Scholar profile:

Selected Publications on Narrative Persuasion

Green, M.C., Chatham, C.*, & Sestir, M.* (2012). Emotion and transportation into fact and fiction. Scientific Study of Literature, 2(1), 37-59.

Green, M.C., & *Donahue, J.K. (2011). Persistence of attitude change in the face of deception: The effect of factual stories revealed to be false. Media Psychology, 14, 312-331.

Williams, J.H., Green, M.C., Houston, T.K, & Allison, J.J. (2011). Stories to communicate risks about tobacco: Development of a brief scale to measure transportation into a video story. Health Education Journal, 70(2), 184-191.

Mazzocco, P.M., Green, M.C., Sasota, J.A, & Jones, N.W. (2010). This story is not for everyone: Transportability and narrative persuasion.Social Psychology and Personality Science, 1(4), 361-368.

*Sestir, M., & Green, M.C. (2010). You are who you watch: Identification and transportation effects on temporary self-concept. Social Influence 5(4), 272-288.

Green, M.C., *Kass, S., *Carrey, J., *Feeney, R., *Herzig, B., & Sabini, J. (2008). Transportation across media: Print versus film comparisons. Media Psychology, 11(4), 512-539.

Kreuter, M.W., Green, M.C., Cappella, J.N., Slater, M.D., Wise, M.E., Storey, D., Clark, E.M., O'Keefe, D.J., Erwin, D.O., Holmes, K., Hinyard, L.J., Houston, T., & Woolley, S. (2007). Narrative communication in cancer prevention and control: A framework to guide research and application. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 33(3), 221-235.

Mazzocco, P., Green, M.C., & Brock, T.C. (2007). The effects of a prior storybank on the processing of a related persuasive communication. Media Psychology, 10(1), 64-90.

Green, M.C., Garst, J., Brock, T.C., & Chung, S. (2006). Fact versus fiction labeling: Persuasion parity despite heightened scrutiny of fact.Media Psychology 8(3), 267-285.

Green, M.C. (2006). Narratives and cancer communication. Journal of Communication, 56, S163-183.

Green, M.C., Brock, T.C., & Kaufman, G.F. (2004). Understanding media enjoyment: The role of transportation into narrative worlds.Communication Theory, 14(4), 311-327.

Green, M.C. (2004). Transportation into narrative worlds: The role of prior knowledge and perceived realism. Discourse Processes, 38(2), 247-266.

Green, M.C., Strange, J.J., & Brock, T.C. (Eds.) (2002). Narrative Impact: Social and Cognitive Foundations. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Wheeler, S.C., Green, M.C., & Brock, T.C. (1999). Fictional narratives change beliefs: Replications of Prentice, Gerrig, & Bailis (1997) with mixed corroboration. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 6(1), 136-141.

Green, M.C., & Brock, T.C. (2000). The role of transportation in the persuasiveness of public narratives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(5), 701-721.

Selected Publications on Internet Interactions

*Carpenter, J.M., Green, M.C., & *LaFlam, J. (2011). People or profiles: Individual differences in online social networking use. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 538-541.

Green, M.C., & *Carpenter, J. (2011). Trust, deception, and identity on the Internet. In Z. Birchmeier, B. Dietz-Uhler, & G. Stasser (Eds.),Strategic uses of social technology: An interactive perspective of social psychology, pp. 40-62. Cambridge University Press.

Green, M.C., & Brock, T.C. (2008). Antecedents and civic consequences of choosing real versus ersatz social activities. Media Psychology, 11(4), 566-592.

Green, M.C. (2007). Trust and on-line social interaction. In Joinson, A., McKenna, K.Y.A., Postmes, T., & Reips, U. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology (p.43-52). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Green, M.C., *Hilken, J., *Friedman, H., *Grossman, K., *Gasiewski, J.,* Adler, R., & Sabini, J.P. (2005). Communication via instant messenger: Short and long-term effects. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35(3), 445-462.

Green, M.C., & Brock, T.C. (1998). Trust, mood, and outcomes of friendship predict preferences for real versus ersatz social capital.Political Psychology, 19(3), 527-544.

Selected Teaching Publications

Mazzocco, P.M., & Green, M.C. (2011, May). Narrative persuasion in legal settings: What's the story? The Jury Expert. (Online publication; no page numbers.)

Brock, T.C., & Green, M.C. (Eds.) (2005). Persuasion: Psychological Insights and Perspectives (second edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Green, M.C. (2007). Resisting social influence: Lessons from Harry Potter. In N. Mulholland (Ed.), The Psychology of Harry Potter, pp. 299-326. Dallas: BenBella Books.

Green, M.C. (2004). Teaching as story-telling. APS Observer, 17(4), 37-38, 52-54.

        Reprinted in B. Perlman, L.I. McCann, & S.H. McFadden, Eds. (2004). Lessons Learned, Vol. 2: Practical Advice for the Teaching of Psychology, pp. 175-184. Washington, DC: American Psychological Society.

Wituski, D.M., Clawson, R.A., Oxley, Z.M., Green, M.C., & Barr, M.K. (1998). Bridging an interdisciplinary divide: The Summer Institute in Political Psychology. PS: Political Science and Politics, 221-226.