The APL contains more than 32,000 books and more than 100 journal titles covering architecture, design, urban planning, zoning, landscape architecture, urban and environmental studies, and more. The collection includes extensive digital resources such as full-text electronic journals, books, and image and research databases.
The library also includes a special collection of materials on Buffalo and Western New York planning and architecture, with emphasis on such famous contributors as Frank Lloyd Wright and Frederick Law Olmsted.
The Music Library boasts a large, broad-based collection suitable to support the rigorous demands of music scholarship. It is a testament to the dedication and hard work of its founding librarians and the cooperative efforts of the Music Department and University Libraries.
A University at Buffalo Libraries Special Collection, the Poetry Collection is the library of record for 20th- and 21st-century poetry in English. Founded in 1937 by Charles Abbott, the Poetry Collection now holds one of the world’s largest collections of poetry first editions and other titles, little literary magazines, broadsides and anthologies; a substantial collection of artworks; and more than 150 archives and manuscript collections from a wide range of poets, presses, magazines and organizations.
The EPC was founed in 1995 and serves as a central gateway to resources in electronic poetry and poetics at the University at Buffalo, the University of Pennsylvania's PennSound PennSound, UBU web, and on the Web at large. Our aim is simple: to make available a wide range of resources centered on digital and contemporary formally innovative poetries, new media writing, and literary programming.