January 30, 2025: Join us for a workshop on the book, Higher Expectations: Surviving and Transforming Academia, based on a new book by Roberta Hawkins and Leslie Kern. The afternoon event starts at noon and features a book talk, Q&A, roundtable discussion, and brainstorming sessions with participants, faculty, staff and students.
The authors, Hawkins and Kern, "envision a university transformed by collaboration, care, equity, justice, and multiple knowledges. Drawing on real-world, international examples where people and institutions are already doing things in new ways, Higher Expectations offers concrete advice on how to make these transformations real." Visit publisher's page.
The event is free for faculty, staff and PhD students, within limits of maximum room capacity. You can register for any or all of the following events. All events will take place in the Baldy Center conference room, 509 O'Brian Hall, North Campus. Register in advance, here.
UB's VP for Inclusive Excellence, Dr. Seval Yildirim, will attend and help direct the conversation.