True Blue

A True Blue family celebrates the culmination of the Boldly Buffalo campaign.

A True Blue family celebrates the culmination of the Boldly Buffalo campaign.

Alumni, donors, family and friends converged on campus for a warm, sunny weekend in October to reconnect, to cheer for their UB Bulls and to celebrate the culmination of the historic Boldly Buffalo campaign.

More UB Moments

  • A Lofty Celebration
    The new home of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB celebrated a major construction milestone in 2016 as the final beam was hoisted on top of the eight-story structure in downtown Buffalo. The $375 million building was funded by private philanthropy and state support, including funding through NYSUNY 2020 legislation.
  • Autonomous Transportation
    Olli, a self-driving electric shuttle, demonstrated its capabilities at the Fourth Annual Symposium on Transportation Informatics, a two-day conference on UB’s North Campus that brought together nationwide leaders in next-generation transportation technologies in 2018. 
  • Literary Giant
    The University at Buffalo Libraries celebrated Bloomsday in June 2021 by unveiling a mural of renowned Irish author and poet James Joyce. 
  • Hope Floats
    Every year, a team of UB engineering students does what appears impossible: races across a lake in a canoe made entirely of concrete. As members of UB’s American Society of Civil Engineers, a team of students takes part in the annual competition, going toe-to-toe against schools across the region. In April 2023, they won the regional competition for the first time in club history and later placed fifth at national level.  
  • The Art of Diversity
    A floor-to-ceiling mural by Buffalo artist Julia Bottoms in the Jacobs School’s second floor atrium has a bigger purpose: to celebrate the diversity of the school and to demonstrate its role as a partner in the community. The figures in the mural are depictions of actual students and faculty. 
  • True Blue
    Alumni, donors, family and friends converged on campus for a warm, sunny weekend in October to reconnect, to cheer for their UB Bulls and to celebrate the culmination of the historic Boldly Buffalo campaign.