The university has updated the Website Privacy Policy. The revised policy has been approved and signed by President Tripathi and is available in the University Policy Library.
The University at Buffalo is committed to protecting visitors’ privacy when navigating through official University at Buffalo websites and associated third-party web applications. Visitors navigate through a majority of official UB websites and associated third-party web applications without providing personal information. However, the university implements operational practices to enhance the ease and efficiency with which visitors interact with official UB websites and associated third-party web applications.
The policy was updated to:
- Revise the following sections:
▫ Automatically Collected Visitor Information - update the list of automatically collected visitor information and clarify that this is not personal information
▫ Tracking Codes or Beacons - add examples of information captured by third-party service providers
▫ Records Retention - specify that log data is retained in accordance with university policy and law
▫ Information Protection - specify that UB limits employee access to personal and private information and requires employees to follow appropriate security procedures
- Add the following sections:
▫ Use of Automatically Collected Visitor Information
▫ Visitor Provided Information
- Specify the process for submitting a request to determine if personal information was collected while navigating UB websites (Access to and Correction of Personal Information Collected Through UB websites section)
- Revise the Applicability section to provide additional details about the information this policy applies to and remove the reference to mobile applications
- Revise the definition of Cookies to include details about session cookies and persistent cookies
This policy applies to:
- Information the university collects on its websites and associated third-party web applications
- Information visitors provide to UB through its website and associated third-party web applications
- Information collected by UB offline or through other means, including on any other website operated by UB or any third-party, or to any third-party applications or content that may link to or be accessible from or through UB’s website
This policy is to be observed in conjunction with any future or previously existing departmental privacy policies.