Nominations open for '96 Chancellor's Awards for Librarianship, Teaching, Professional Service

NOMINATIONS are being sought for the 1996 Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Librarianship, Professional Service and Teaching.

These awards provide universitywide recognition of superlative performance and outstanding achievement by faculty and professional service employees. Recipients embody SUNY's highest standards and serve as role models for the university community.

Criteria for nominations are as follows:

Excellence in Librarianship

Nominations for the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Librarianship must have held a full-time appointment as a professional librarian at UB for a minimum of three years, and must possess the M.L.S. degree.

Criteria for selection include extraordinary performance and skill in librarianship, service to the university and the profession, and scholarship and continuing professional growth.

Nominations must be received by the local Chancellor's Award Selection Committee no later than noon on Tuesday, Feb. 13. A nomination package must include: a cover letter from the nominator summarizing the candidate's credentials and demonstrating how the candidate meets criteria for selection, the candidate's current vitae, the candidate's written statement of "philosophy of librarianship," and letters of support from within and/or external to the university. In addition, the committee requests that the candidate include as a separate statement or incorporated into the philosophical statement, evidence of how the philosophical tenets have been successfully implemented.

Information is available from, and nominations should be sent to Gayle Hardy- Davis, 645-2818, unllibst@acsu.buffalo. edu or Cindy Hepfer, 829-2139,

Excellence in Professional Service

The Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service was created to recognize extraordinary professional achievement and to encourage the pursuit of excellence.

Nominations must be drawn from individuals serving in full-time professional service capacities with more than 50 percent of the assignment in non-teaching services. Nominees must have completed at least three years of continuous full-time professional (not classified) service in the position for which nominated. A nominator may be any member of the university community, and is responsible for preparing a nomination package to include: a current vitae on the nominee's professional career, an updated position description, a maximum of five letters of support (with at least one each from a supervisor, a colleague, and a constituent) and the nominator's summary letter of support. Deadline for completed dossiers is 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12, 1996. For more information, nomination packets and guidelines, contact Christine Sauciunac, PSS Awards Committee chair, 645-3544.

Excellence in Teaching

The Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching is intended to recognize superior teaching at the undergraduate, graduate or professional level. All full-time instructors, regardless of academic rank, who have completed at least three years of teaching at UB prior to the fall 1995 semester are eligible. Winners of the award are recognized as part of the University Convocation in the fall, and the phrase "State University Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching" is attached to their name in the university catalog.

Primary criterion for the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching is skill in teaching, although consideration also is given to sound scholarship and service to the university and community. Nominators should prepare a Summary Presentation Statement, including information on the candidate's most important qualifications, major achievements in teaching, services to students, scholarship and professional growth. The document should not exceed five pages.

Completed nominations, including a Summary Presentation Statement, an up-to-date vitae and letters of support, must be received in the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, 255 Capen Hall, by the close of business on Friday, Feb. 16, 1996.

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