International Transplant Society to hold symposium in Buffalo

BUFFALO HAS BEEN selected as the site of the Fifth Basic Scientific Symposium of the International Transplant Society, to be held in 1997. The announcement was made by the Ernest Witebsky Center for Immunology at UB and the Greater Buffalo Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Members of the society, representatives of top scholars in the field of transplant science, selected Buffalo over bids from other scientific communities including Harvard Medical School, University of New South Wales and Inselpital Bern in Switzerland, among others. The society, which has several Nobel Prizewinners as founding and general members, holds its bi-annual symposium in alternating Old and New World sites.

Basab K. Mookerjee, UB professor of medicine and chair of the organizing committee, secured the symposium, along with Roger Cunningham, director of the Witebsky Center. Mookerjee noted that the symposium will be dedicated to the research interests of Felix Milgrom, UB Distinguished Professor of Microbiology. Milgrom has devoted more than 50 years of research to the study of transplant science.

The local organizing committee includes Mookerjee, Cunningham, C.J. Abeyounis, UB professor of microbiology; Boris Albini, UB professor of microbiology; and Jacob Bergsland, UB assistant professor of surgery and director of heart transplantation at The Buffalo General Hospital.

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