Electronic Highways: UnCover Reveal

How would you like to receive the table of contents of up to 50 journals from the 17,000 plus titles in the CARL UnCover database once a week as a message in your UB electronic mail account? How would you like the huge CARL UnCover database searched on a weekly basis with up to 25 keyword and author searches supplied by you? How would you like to obtain this CARL service known as UnCover Reveal at absolutely no charge? Interested? Read on.

The SUNY Office of Library Services has entered into a site license with CARL to provide UnCover Reveal for free to faculty, students and staff who use SUNY Internet Domain accounts. (That is anyone on our campus with an E-mail address that ends with buffalo.edu.) Just log on to the CARL UnCover database and set up your Reveal profile. When CARL prompts you for payment information, there is no need to respond since SUNY has prepaid for the Reveal service.

Should you sign on? Of course you should! This extraordinary current awareness service covers all subjects-acid rain, alcoholism, carpal tunnel syndrome, deconstruction, hazardous waste, insanity defense-the list is virtually endless and the journal citations are sent to you as an E-mail message. A word of caution, however. CARL UnCover would love to send you the full text of each article "revealed" for a fee of approximately $12 per citation. Resist the temptation! Log on to BISON and search for the journal title (not the article title) in the "UB Libraries Catalog." If we own it on campus-great! If not, submit an interlibrary loan request.

The University Libraries web site accessible via UB Wings provides you with 1) documentation for setting up an UnCover Reveal profile, 2) a direct telnet connection to CARL, 3) the ability to search BISON to see if we own the journal, and 4) the capacity to send an Interlibrary Loan request if we do not.

To access the University Libraries web site type wings at your E-mail system prompt and then select "Libraries" from the opening screen. (For those who use a graphical www browser such at Netscape the URL is: http://wings.buffalo.edu/libraries/.) Once you are at the Libraries homepage select the "Online Resources" button, then "General Indexes and Library Catalogs," then "CARL UnCover." Interlibrary loan request forms are found by selecting the "Services, Questions, Comments" button. For assistance in logging on to UB Wings contact the Help Desk in the Computing Center at 645-3542. For more information on UnCover Reveal or assistance in setting up your profile, contact Don Hartman (UNLDON@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU), Lockwood Library, 645-2817.

-Gemma DeVinney and Don Hartman, University Libraries

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