Top Hat

TopHat is a web-based software tool used to take attendance, administer polls, games and quizzes and share notes—all by connecting to students' mobile devices or laptops.

On this page:

If an instructor is using Top Hat for the course, students must create a Top Hat account and purchase a subscription before they can respond to Top Hat interactive questions and polling.

Top Hat Web Browser Requirements

For the best user experience, Top Hat recommends one of the following web browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox

Top Hat also supports the following web browsers:

  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer 11

iOS: iPhones, iPads or iPod Touches running iOS 10 and above.

Android: Phones and tablets running Android OS 4.1 and above. Note that Android variants such as the Fire OS (Kindle Fire), Silent OS (Blackphone), YunOS and the Nokia X Platform are not supported.

For unsupported devices, you can access Top Hat by logging into using your mobile web browser.

Getting Started

If you need to create a Top Hat account

  1. Go to using your computer (note: this must be done on a web browser; it cannot be done from a mobile app).
  2. Click the Signup link in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Click Sign up as a Student.
  4. Enter the 6-digit code for your course and select the course name from the drop-down list. If you don't have a code:
    1. Click the Search by school link at the bottom of the page.
    2. Enter University at Buffalo SUNY in the School field and click the University at Buffalo SUNY link from the drop-down list.
    3. Click Next - Find your course.
    4. Begin typing the course name or the professor's name in the Course field and click the link with the correct information.
  5. Click Log in with school account.
  6. Use your UBITName and password to log in.
  7. Continue to follow the prompts for creating a new account.

If you already have a Top Hat account

  1. Go to using your computer (note: this must be done in a web browser; it cannot be done from a mobile app).
  2. Click the Login link in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. You should see University at Buffalo SUNY in the School field. If not, begin typing and click the University at Buffalo SUNY link from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Log in with school account.
  5. Use your UBITName and password to login.

Top Hat Test

Top Hat Test allows you to easily take a test using your laptop, smartphone or tablet.

If you navigate away from the test or interact with other applications, you will be locked out of the test and will only be able to continue with the test if your instructor unlocks you.

Need additional help?

Contact the Top Hat support team by email, phone or the in-app support button.

  • Email:
  • Phone: 888-663-5491 ext. 1
  • Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday to Friday