University at Buffalo: Reporter

Electronic Highways:
Electronic Journals on BISON II

The Electronic Journals Section of BISON II's "Online Resources" page is a selective list of scholarly and popular press electronic journals and serials chosen and maintained by University at Buffalo librarians. Listed alphabetically, the titles of over 200 publications can be found at

From Academe This Week to Waves in Random Media, this site has links to journals and serials on a wide range of subjects with varying scopes. After the title, you will find the coverage of the journal compared to its print counterpart: full content (i.e., Indiana Law Journal, Modern Fiction Studies, PC World, TV Guide), partial content (Biochemical Journal, Internet World, Political Science Quarterly, Time), table of contents only (Internet and Java Advisor, Scientometrics), or table of contents with abstracts only (IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Rand Journal of Economics). If there is no print counterpart, such as Music Theory Online or Psycholoquy, "electronic only" is stated.

Selecting a title will take you to a page where more detailed information can be found. Publisher, date of first issue, scope, holdings (what issues are online), file format (HTML, Acrobat PDF, PostScript files), subjects, frequency, and notes are entered for each individual title. It even states if the journal is refereed! For those electronic journals that the UB Libraries have formally subscribed to, site ID and password information on how to access these journals is included under "Access."

A "Glimpse" keyword search form is provided so that you may search for an electronic journal by area of interest. You may search for specific words in the title of a journal (unfortunately NOT in the title of an article) or search for a familiar subject word (i.e., physics, poetry, law). If, for example, you are interested in physics and you want all the refereed journals on this topic, you need only to type in "physics and refereed" on the search form to get a listing all the titles at UB that are peer reviewed in physics.

Electronic journals continue to be added to BISON II each day. Questions, title suggestions or comments may be sent to the UB Libraries Electronic Journals Team ( For information on accessing BISON II (the Libraries homepage on UBWings) contact the Computing Center Help Desk at 645-3542.

-Sue Neumeister and Lori Widzinski, University Libraries

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