University at Buffalo: Reporter

Electronic Highways: Introducing BISON II

If you have been away from campus this summer, you will notice a striking difference when you visit the Libraries Web. We have used the World Wide Web to integrate a useful variety of information resources. We call this new system BISON II. Welcome to the Digital Library!

BISON II is now your host to most of the online electronic resources offered by the University Libraries. This includes the Libraries catalog, a number of full-text reference works, numerous bibliographic databases, indexes, and abstracts, as well as a large number of full-text journals.

How can you visit these new resources?

All of the Libraries online resources are accessible from a single URL, The new design of the Libraries home page works with the frames technology made possible by Netscape 2.0. What this means is that your screen will be divided into two parts. The frame on the left of this new home page offers you direct, unmediated access to key resources such as the Libraries catalog, HUBNET, and database suppliers including Ovid, InfoTrac SearchBank, and FirstSearch. The frame on the right offers a different route. From here you may easily access discipline-oriented local and Internet information organized by individual library units or try the greatly enhanced Online Resources page. On both unit home pages and the electronic resources page you will find thoughtful descriptions of your information options as well as contextual notes and searching tips.

Why have we used a new screen design? We have done this to make a large number of resources more immediately available to you. We also wish to take advantage of the power of the new Unix workstations which are being installed in the Libraries. But don't worry! If your office, home, or dorm computer does not use frames, you can use the Libraries Web just as well.

What is the best way to enter the digital age? Just point your Web browser to the new Libraries home page and explore the wealth of resources waiting for you there!

For help connecting to the World Wide Web, call the ASCIT Help Desk at 645-3542.

­Loss Pequeno Glazier and Nancy Schiller, University Libraries

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