September 8, 1994: Vol26n2: Electronic Highways: Get Psyched Students and researchers can now use BISON (the University at Buffalo's Libraries on-line catalog) to search PsycInfo, the computerized equivalent of Psychological Abstracts. Just type INDX at BISON's Database Selection Menu and then type PSYC or PSYO depending on whether you want 1991+ coverage or 1967-1990 coverage respectively. PsycInfo indexes over 1,300 international journals in the fields of psychology and psychiatry and provides citations and abstracts for articles on a wide range of subject areas including among others: communication, education, gerontology, linguistics, literature, marketing, organizational theory, personnel management, pharmacology, and social work. Of course, all aspects of psychology and psychiatry are given extensive coverage. By using keyword features specified in Making the BISON Connection: PSYC and PSYO Searches, PsycInfo users can fine-tune their search results. For example, searches can be limited to a specific year, journal title, or language. Searches can also be limited to a number of publication types such as: conference proceedings, government reports, literature reviews, and translations. One can even restrict search results to specific treatment types such as behavior therapy, group and family therapy or drug therapy. And, of course, the fact that PsycInfo is now a BISON database means that you can search it not only at BISON terminals, but for those with valid University at Buffalo IDs, PsycInfo is available via BISON REMOTE from your home or office most hours of the day or night! For a copy of "Making the BISON Connection" and/or a guide to logging on to BISON REMOTE, contact Gemma DeVinney, Lockwood Library, 645-2817, . -Gemma DeVinney and Loss Peque