February 16, 1995: Vol26n17: Interdisciplinary Views of the Net New sources of information on the Internet are always welcome even for experienced Cybernauts. Beyond books and workshops-and the Internet itself of course-other opportunities for advancing Internet expertise do occasionally occur. One such event is "The Convergence of Science and the Humanities: Internet Technologies and Scholarly Resources," a one-day conference sponsored by SUNY's Conversations in the Disciplines Program with support from UB's University Libraries and Computing and Information Technology, Academic Services Division. The Internet's impact on scholarly research and communication is the subject of this program, which brings together a group of people involved in applying Internet technologies and resources to studies in the humanities, social sciences, arts and letters, and the sciences. Speakers include Postmodern Culture editor John Unsworth, linguist Susan Herring, poet and critic Charles Bernstein, and mathematician Neil Calkin. The conference, which will take place on Friday, March 24, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Buffalo Marriott, will also include a Mosaic demonstration and presentations on Internet radio, art, and music as well as an Electronic Poetry Center reading. To register for the conference contact: the Office of Conferences and Sponsored Events at 645-2018. For more information on the conference, contact Nancy Schiller, schiller@acsu.buffalo.edu (645-2946) or Loss Glazier at lolpoet@acsu.buffalo.edu. -Gemma DeVinney and Loss Peque