January 26, 1995: Vol26n14: ELECTRONIC HIGHWAYS: Veronica: Fast Track to Information Veronica: Fast Track to Information There are thousands of gopher menus on the Internet. These can be immensely useful sites when you know where to go for information. However, all too often you know what you want but you don't know where it is. Enter Veronica, a fast-paced feature that will cull gopher sites worldwide and custom build you a menu based on your search request. Veronica, an acronym for "Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized Archives," is easily invoked through Wings. First, type Wings at your system prompt. Select "Access the Internet" then "Look for information resources on the Internet." You will be presented with several "Search Gopherspace" choices. Feel free to choose any one of these or to try different ones; they all provide access to Veronica. Once you have made a "Search Gopherspace" choice, you will be prompted to "Enter keyword(s)." At this point you may enter one or more keywords, keeping in mind that the terms you enter will be searched with the default logical connector, "and." (That is, if you search for "buffalo" and "wings," results will all contain both buffalo and wings.) You can't always be sure what your search will retrieve. (The above query, for example, retrieves not only numerous connections to UB's gopher Wings, but two chicken wings recipes as well!) So keep an open mind and be ready to revise your search terms when necessary. Veronica has a number of other defaults; these include the maximum number of records that will be retrieved and the type of entries that will be listed (directories, files, and other types of entries). If you are unfamiliar with Veronica, it is best to experiment -- the results can be extremely rewarding. Once you have become an experienced user, you may wish to try some of the other options available for Veronica searches such as limiting your search to menus, text files, etc. These can be found in the documents "Frequently-Asked Questions About Veronica" and "How To Compose Veronica Queries," available in the same directory where you search Veronica. For more information on accessing WINGS and using Veronica contact the CIT Help Desk at 645-3542, . -- Gemma DeVinney and Loss Peque